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  1. mfreaker

    Stuff Eating My Hermit Crabs + Fish

    My water quailty is fine no fish have died because of that. The fish that have been eaten are 2 yellow striped damsels and 2 small hermit crabs and I dont spot feel the star fish Because he is always hiding under the rocks so its a pain to move them.The brittle is only about 4 inches when all...
  2. mfreaker

    Stuff Eating My Hermit Crabs + Fish

    Hello I was Wondering if you could help me figure out what is eating my crabs and fish. I have a brittle starfish, arrow crab, flower anenime, and a few corals. I think that it's the crab ot the starfish but i don't know which one if someone could help me out that would be great. Thank You