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  1. connie1961

    I have pictures and a new fish!!!!!

    I want to thank everyone for their help. My tank has cycled and the water has never been better! Ammonia is awesome, nitrites are great, ph is wonderful. And the water looks crystal clear for once! I am so glad that I took out that crushed coral and put in sand like I was told. :cheer: I am...
  2. connie1961

    fliter or let the sand, coral and inverts do the rest?

    I read somewhere about people just using their deep sand beds, live rocks and all of their little inverts to clean the tank. Is that okay to do, or do you need a filter in your tank?
  3. connie1961

    Live stock orders from

    well me(connies son) works at a pet store and we have all of our fish shipped in bags. and alot of ours die from shipping so i just wasnt sure.
  4. connie1961

    Live stock orders from

    so the it would be perfectly fine to ship fish and corals to your house without any damage?
  5. connie1961

    Live stock orders from

    has anyone ordered any live stock off of if so how does the shipping and everything go with the fish and how do the fish and corals handle all the bouncing around to get here?
  6. connie1961

    new and needing help please

    question about the engineer goby. are they white and yellow and eat the sand and sift it out through their gills? we were at a store and we saw probably 5 or so of them just diving head first into the sand. it was quite a sight to see. the tank is doing good at about 3am right now. we can see...
  7. connie1961

    new and needing help please

    Thank you again for your help. Well I found what you told me to get. Came home took all of the coral out, rinsed the sand for what seemed forever. put it down in the order you told me to. But even after rinsing the sand until it seemed clear, my tank is very very cloudy. Will this dust ever...
  8. connie1961

    new and needing help please

    Thank you so much to everyone for their help. Patience, yes, sometimes a hard thing to deal with. But I want to make this right, so Patience it is. I do have a question though. Reading all of the posts about crushed coral and I seem to agree with everyone's thoughts. My crushed coral use to...
  9. connie1961

    new and needing help please

    i asked around and we got some pc lights. we have a 10,000k 2x65 watt lights with an acitnic blue and lunar lights. our filter is an eheim filter. we asked the local fish store about filterls and he told us they did not make them small enough for our tank. we keep our tank at 78 degrees and we...
  10. connie1961

    new and needing help please

    Sir: Thank you for your reply. I will do as you have instructed and stop adding chemicals to the tank. I will continue with the 20% water changes every two weeks. I also did not know that you had to mix the salt water 24 hours in advance. Thanks for your help, as I go running to the library...
  11. connie1961

    new and needing help please

    Well, this is going to be long I think. I am new to this. Went to the LFS and purchased a 29 gallon set up. Eheim filter, thermostat, crushed coral and bacteria. Followed the instructions. Filled the tank with water and let it cycle. Was told within two weeks to add some live rock and...