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  1. drummerdude124

    Water Changes

    Then what would be a good method to change the water without disturbing your fish?
  2. drummerdude124

    How do I post a message?

    Im sorry about my previous threads. I was just fooling around with my computer. The reason I did that was because I cant control myself. I really own my own aquarium and am new to owning fish. I own in total 2560 gallons of tank. I appologize and hope this did not cause any confusion/discomfort...
  3. drummerdude124


    Would anybody happen to know wat to feed great white sharks? I tried brine shrimp but that is too much money.
  4. drummerdude124


    Hi i just bought three Clown Triggerfish and a damsel fish and I aclimated them for about 45 mins. So i put them in the tank and a week later, the damsel is ripped apart. I was thinking it was the water maybe. All of my water levels were fine and it was in a 200 gal. tank. Need help to find out...
  5. drummerdude124

    RO question

    I really want to get a RO unit for my fish tank to make my fish happy. But there are so many units out there. Right now i am just starting a 55 gal. marine tank and there are no fish or inverts in it yet because it is still in the nitrogen cycle. Do you think I should get one? Which one?
  6. drummerdude124

    Got a problem with amonia

    Hey i just got my first 55 gallon salt water tank a couple of weeks ago and I just bought a bunch of live rock. 75 pounds to be exact but I bought them in different time periods. Anyway when I put the rocks in and tested the water, my amonia levels went from .25 to 4 and I am a little worried. I...