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  1. ca2pa

    Clown with pop eye

    Originally posted by BellaNavis Thanks for getting back to me, and sorry it took so long to get back to you. The fish has had pop eye for about a week now, and he has been treated for 5 days with the medicine the way the directions said to for pop eye. The directions did not say anyhting...
  2. ca2pa

    My little clown is acting different? Is she sick?

    The type of food I use are frozen brine shrimp & Tetramin small granules... Recheck your ph...I balanced mine out last week and that seemed to help out my false perc. My damsels are doing fine... THe clown fish ate well today vs. late last week. Hang in there! Thanks.
  3. ca2pa

    My little clown is acting different? Is she sick?

    I am courious how your false perc had faired through the "no eating & hanging around in the corner" phase...I have a fish only tank and the false perc had be was added 5 weeks ago. Two weeks ago it started doing the same thing in the posts. 0 amonia, nitrate 25/ppm, of 4/11/03 I had...
  4. ca2pa

    LIghting : Min VS. MAx

    It would be interesting to see, how the up grades in the lighting that "eeldarb21" would result would be the closest to what I could reasonably do... ONe bit of info I rxd from the largest LFS in the area was regarding the lighting they used for their live rock ( FUji & Tongan) was only...
  5. ca2pa

    LIghting : Min VS. MAx

    About three weeks ago I have set up a 40g salt water tank with the intent to only put in fish. Since this was my initial impression, I chose to use the hyposalinity method, recommended by my LFS--the owner --has had a lot of succes with keeping parasite from popping up. My question is...