Search results

  1. kidrockfish

    Power outage-20 hours of hell!

    Man, sorry to hear about the losses. I was lucky in that my house got spared in this mess. The homes on the oppiste side of the street were out for 4 days and just got thier power back late last night. Believe me, every time I heard a tranformer explode (quite often) or a big tree come down...
  2. kidrockfish

    pygmy/cherub angel

    I kept a cherub for the last 18 months or so before I broke down that tank to move. I was fully impressed with the little guy. He was very personable and not agressive at all. I kept him with a pair of percs and a baja wrassle and all got along great. This was in a 46 bow front. I would highly...
  3. kidrockfish

    Best Damsels?

    I would skip the damsels and lean more towards clowns. I have kept clarki and percs. Both were very hardy and much more mild tempered. I don't think there is such a thing as a good damsel, let alone the best...
  4. kidrockfish

    sand question...need help someone please!!

    I am using 75 lbs of silica in my 46, and have not had any problems as of yet. I used quick-crete (sp?) white silica bought at my local Ace hardware. Total cost was about eight bucks, plus livesand from lfs to seed it. Hope this helps.
  5. kidrockfish

    Help with my Niger

    One of the first fish I got after I gained some expirence was a niger. I kept him for a little over 3 years in a 40 hex. He was a juv. when I purchased him and he did have some strange behaviors. He acted much as you describe- hiding in "his" cave and not really showing himself. After some...
  6. kidrockfish

    DSB question...

    Bartman, I faced the same concern when I set up my DSB. Ideally S.D. would have been my top choice, but it is not avail. here. I considered agg.max from LFS, but at $35 per bag, it became very pricy. I ended up going with 75lbs of quickcrete (sp?) white silica from my local hardware store. It...
  7. kidrockfish

    live rock prices

    Kansas City: $6-$10/lb.
  8. kidrockfish

    Do I need a protien skimmer?

    1429- As far as if you need a skimmer or not seems to be a question for debate. I think right now there is a poll concerning this from Having said that I use a CPR backpack2-R on my 46 reef 24/7. You would be amazed at the amount of gunk that gets pulled out with a skimmer. My best...
  9. kidrockfish

    Hello to all

    I have been watching this board for about a year and have gotten so much great advice just as a spectator. I have finally "jumped in" to be a little more active. Thanks for all the advice in the past and may the new year bring joy to all in and out of the water!
  10. kidrockfish

    New Live Sand added over existing Live Sand Bed?? Problem??

    Moy, I also have a 46 Bow reef. When I started this tank I was in the same situation as you. I had appox. 30lbs live sand which I wanted to convert a DSB. As southdown is not availible here, I added 75lbs of Quick-crete (sp?) white silica sand. I just put it on top of the original live sand...