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  1. fritzdwhiz

    No Cycling!!

    It will start on the second week............. At least based on my experience.
  2. fritzdwhiz

    What kind of fish do want for christmas?

    I want a Porcupine Puffer :)
  3. fritzdwhiz

    Got pictures?

    Nice Set-up :)
  4. fritzdwhiz

    Newbie Cycling

  5. fritzdwhiz

    Newbie Cycling

    I will try to be patient......... Thanks.
  6. fritzdwhiz

    Newbie Cycling

    Hey Everyone! I am new to SW and I just started cycling a 29 Gal. Tank with 40# of LS and 11 # of LR (Will get more), It has been up for a week now................... I can't wait for the cycle to finish :)