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  1. rsnyder

    Fluke, popeye???

    Why not treat in the hospital tank? Try to leave your show tank alone. I'm not sure what the long term effects would be, but would be most safe treating in hospital tank. What are you planning on treating this with?
  2. rsnyder

    Fluke, popeye???

    Had the same problem with a Royal Gramma. Was treating with Maracyn 2, it didn't help. Finally FW dipped 3 times over 3-4 days approximately 1 minute each time. He didn't care for it, but it saved him. My Coral Beauty developed same symptoms a week later, one FW Dip and no more symptoms. So...
  3. rsnyder


    Currently my nitrates are around 20ppm and I want to add some some invertebrates. I'm looking for suggestions on filters that could reduce the nitrate count to at least 5ppm. I currently have a 75gal setup right now with a wet/dry filter and thats it. I'm looking to add some cleaner shrimp...
  4. rsnyder

    White Cloudy Area

    I used ampicillex antibiotic capsules. He seems to be happy. We'll see over the next few days/weeks. If it is bacterial is there anything I can do other than making sure the water is in good condition and feed vitamins. Thanks for all of the help and info, you guys have a great site here...
  5. rsnyder

    White Cloudy Area

    The area is flat and almost seems like he got a scrape rather than any else. The condition is the same or better but I'm going to just keep a close eye on him over the next few days. I also medicated the tank with a antifungal/skin med. I didn't do a water change it was done about three weeks...
  6. rsnyder

    White Cloudy Area

    Terry, All of the water parameters are fine. The cloudy area is not symetric. Ive been feeding marine flakes everyday with frozen brine cubes every other day. I recently started using garlic to prevent ick along with Zoe vitamins.
  7. rsnyder

    White Cloudy Area

    I just added a royal gramma to the tank 2wks ago and just recently noticed a whitish/gray area on his back. I believe its a fungus but I've never seen a fungus before. He eats like a pig and doesn't show any other symptoms. Wondering if it could be anything else and if not a recommendation...