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  1. ohiosaints

    Beginner Fish

    ok thank you
  2. ohiosaints

    Beginner Fish

    i dont even have a tank yet first i wanna do some research on fish and everything else
  3. ohiosaints

    Beginner Fish

    what are some beginner fish? for someone just starting out
  4. ohiosaints

    Need Help

    Thank You
  5. ohiosaints

    Need Help

    where is a good place to look online for all of this stuff
  6. ohiosaints

    Need Help

    what would u say the price is to start off i dont want to go cheap i want to do it right
  7. ohiosaints

    Need Help

    thank you
  8. ohiosaints

    Need Help

    i will go with whatever a beginner should start out with. honestly i know nothing about it but i have been wanting to do it for a couple of years. so in your opinion what should i start out with
  9. ohiosaints

    Need Help

    Hello i am interested in starting a tank, but i know nothing about how to do it. so can anyone give me some advice on how to start, what to read, etc. i want to start out good i dont want to go out spend all kinds of money if i kill everything off thanks for any help i receive