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  1. nemolover3

    Help Ich

    I found a treatment without ick that doesn't hurt inverts either you just need to do a water change at the end.
  2. nemolover3

    Help Ich

    You need to get a treatment to treat the tank so that all of free swimming ich dies. I'm having the same problem but its finally starting to go away. I used a treatment that is safe for my inverts. But I'm kinda new to it so I would get more advice first.
  3. nemolover3

    setting up my new saltwater fish tank (120 gallon)

    I was wondering how much faster a tank cycles if the rock has been cured at a LFS and I bring it home in water and put it right in the tank with water. will the tank nessarly go through a algae bloom or no? thanks for the help ahead of time.
  4. nemolover3

    stuff fs

    I wanted to see picutures of the 125 gallon tank.
  5. nemolover3

    A few pics of my new tank!!!

    very pretty tank you have there. I hope mine looks like that when I get it set up of course bigger. I liked the nemo the best :yes: keep up the good work.
  6. nemolover3

    stuff fs

    Do you have any pictures of the tank and also where are you located at?