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  1. tjgreg


    I am not using any buffers as well.
  2. tjgreg


    Not sure on the calcium and alkalinity but will pick up a test kit tomorrow for that but my lights are set for 12 hours, I did test the water yesterday before the lights came on and it was 8.4.
  3. tjgreg

    Red Algae

    I also had red algae growing in my tank as well except it was on the sides of the glass, the fish store I use recommended an additional powerhead and aslo Margarite snalls and some small crabs,I guess she knows what she is talking about because within a few days it was cleared up.
  4. tjgreg


    My Ph is in the 8.6 range as well except my nitrite level is 0.0 and my amonia level is 0.0 as well, my tank has been going for 2 months now.