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  1. kris m.

    Coral Banded Shrimp/Yellow Tang Behaviour

    The yellow tang will not harm the banded shrimp, it will take time, but you should be fine.
  2. kris m.

    90gal if you had your way......

    I wouldn't put an expensive Tang in at first, I would put Blue Tang, and a Cole Tang, put some fire goby's, and don't any more until a few months. The suggestion of adding more LR is a good one, but don't add the fish and the LR at the same time, space them out over a few months.
  3. kris m.


    I have definetly hear that mixing clowns is bad idea, and for adding that many fish at one time will surely kill the tang.
  4. kris m.

    Fish blowing bubbles

    Baron, thanks for the input, I have CY194 wetdry filter as well as Emporor filter and a power head to create some current and keep my overflow running smoothly. I have 15 fish and none of the other fish are coming to the top, so I don't think it is due to a lack of oxygen.
  5. kris m.

    Fish blowing bubbles

    Can some one explain why my Unicorn Tang is doing this, I am realy concerned.
  6. kris m.

    Fish blowing bubbles

    I have a 125gl fish and coral tank that has been setup for over a year now. Recently I have noticed my Unicorn tang (after eating)coming up above the water line and taking a breath and blowing out of its gils. Does anyone have any idea why this fish is doing this now. I had the fish for over a...
  7. kris m.

    Hard Tubeworms

    I have determined that the white spots on my tank glass are hard tubeworms, not copepods(cause copepods move), can any one tell me how I can get rid of them. They seem to multiply within a weeks time, and some of the tubeworms are getting bigger. They don't seem to be hurting my fish, but make...