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  1. expertboy

    New Tank ?'s

    will soon be getting a 120 gallon tank (2 weeks) and in the 30 gallon tank i have now has 1-yellow tang 1-sabe clownfish 1-coral beauty 1-puffer....when should i introduce them into the new tank since there not exactly beginner fish for a new tank..i do have bacterialized sand and about 20 lbs...
  2. expertboy


    well if i can gt one free then ill try my best but if its a hazzard i wont:/these pumps are also for hot tubs and arent so big..i can get so many different ranges of pumps to choose from.
  3. expertboy


    this would be mainly a fish tank but will have few corals such as anemones..BTW i ask this question because my dad owns a pool biz. and i could get this equipment free..
  4. expertboy


    can you overfilter a tank?..i have a duel cartridge filter..prozone protien skimmer...and a 120 gallon it possible to add a more powerful filteration unit to the tank like a 120 gph pump or somthin of the sort..
  5. expertboy

    Lights on or off when adding a new fish?

    yes agreed with the two above...turning the lights off when introducing a new fish makes it less stressful of the new fish and the ones in the tank already
  6. expertboy


    i have ayellow yang and im interested in a purple tang(red sea)would these two fish have problems..also im going to add other tangs also..would that be a big territorial problem?
  7. expertboy


    are triggerfish a good selection for a main fish to keep?or are they a pain in the ass
  8. expertboy


    im buying a new 150 gallon tank and i was wondering what way i should go..ive been keeping tangs and all diff. kinds of fish but no main type.getting more and more into reefs and corals...but i was wondering if anyone could give some advice on where you think i should go.....eels and...
  9. expertboy


    im buying a new 150 gallon tank and i was wondering what way i should go..ive been keeping tangs and all diff. kinds of fish but no main type.getting more and more into reefs and corals...but i was wondering if anyone could give some advice on where you think i should go.....eels and...
  10. expertboy

    ?any advice?

    :thinking: im buying a new 150 gallon tank and i was wondering what way i should go..ive been keeping tangs and all diff. kinds of fish but no main type.getting more and more into reefs and corals...but i was wondering if anyone could give some advice on where you think i should go.....eels and...