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  1. krazzy kuda

    HURRY!!! Please Help me!!!

    I agree with BUZZ.... we need to know how long you have been set up and what the water quality is like..... if the poor guy is just lying there upside down it usally means poor water conditions and if it is moving all over the water flow could be too strong!!!! what kind is it!!! curly cue...
  2. krazzy kuda

    Used lights

    You should probally post this in the "FOR SALE" section!!! ( you might get $50 for them.... but who is to say.... Why don't you bring them back to your LFS and see if he will sell them for you or trade for something else!!!!! This is what I do at one of MY lfs places i visit!! (just a thought!) ;)
  3. krazzy kuda

    Clown V Cleaner

    It has been my experance with cleaner shrimp that they only want to pick off parisites from other fish and things.... I have never seen a cleaner shrimp attack a fish for no reason!!! :confused: it could be some kind of sist on the fish.. he wants to get off of him??? do the clowns have a...
  4. krazzy kuda

    Setting up Hospital/QT tank, How?

    Well, I have a "NATURAL" Q- tank ... it is a 40 gal with a little dolimite and crushed coral covering the bottom... I have a small clean up crew, with 5 cleaner shrimp, I have a U-V sterilizer set up on a timer that runs from 1am till 6am ..... also a Penguin Emperior filter.... 2 hydro sponge...