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  1. bdac24

    home depot sand

    I have been looking for this southdown sand everyone says they get at home depot. But, my local home depot does not have it. I saw a brand labeled best sand at toysrus is this a usable sand(it is pretty fine grain and white in color) I plan on mixing whatever sand I end up with some live sand...
  2. bdac24


    I am in the planning stages for a 55 gal fowlr. I originally was just going to run an emporor filter but was thinking maybe a sump. Could anyone help with how to build one. I have no experience with them. I have either a 15 or 20 gal tank I could use(is that big enough?) Please help me find...
  3. bdac24

    QT Cycling?

    Trey, How do you mean you keep cycled sponges at the ready? Do they just stay in a main tank when not used in a qt. When you empty the qt tank, do you simply mix up a new batch of salt water and use the tank? Thanks
  4. bdac24

    QT Cycling?

    This is pobably a dumb question. Do you need to cycle a qt tank or just keep the sal. at a proper level. It would seem you would almost not need to cycle, if there is just water in it. Thanks
  5. bdac24

    Fish Stocking

    I am in the planning stages for a 55gal fowlr. I am way ahead of myself but, its fun to look at fish you may want. I am thinking of: Yellow Tang 2-Perc Clowns Spotted or Long Nose Hawk Flame Angel and a wrasse of some kind. The tank will have a Berlin skimmer, a Emporer Filter and 2-3 power...
  6. bdac24

    Feathur Duster Health

    I recently received a feather duster from this site. I am wondering how you tell if it doing well or not? It opens and closes during the day. But, lately when it opens the feathers don't really hold thier bowl type shape. They seem to fan out more in all directions. I am feeding it...