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  1. holley

    the nitrate plague, HELP AGAIN!!

    I understand the math behind dilution, and I will increase the amount until under control. However, I thought the system would take care of itself without all this extra effort to lower the nitrates. I do not have bio balls. The Kroger's water tested OK. I will increase DSB. Do I really need to...
  2. holley

    the nitrate plague, HELP AGAIN!!

    My nitrates will not go down no matter what I try. I have changed 5 gallons of water on a weekly basis, however the Nitrates never go below 140ppm. I have a 75 gallon tank that has been up and running for 5 months with the following features:  Tide pool wet dry system, (bought this one...
  3. holley

    fin problems

    I am sorry but I am still a little confused. Should I continue to montior the ammonia and if it is climbing then step up the amount of water changes? Should I continue to monitor the ammonia level, and if they are decreasing then watch the nitrite levels and if they are stable then continue the...
  4. holley

    fin problems

    one other thing is that the water I am now using is RO water. Thanks
  5. holley

    fin problems

    Thanks Tery, sorry that I didn't include all information on the first posting. The tank size is 75gal, with about 75lbs of lr and 3" of dsb. I have been making 5gal water changes every week. Then when the nitrates went up I start changing 10 gals per week. I just tested the water, ph = 7.8...
  6. holley

    fin problems

    Hi, my Nitrates were extremely high. I took the advice of this site and changed my filter to wet dry and I am continuing the weekly water changes, (things are slowly getting better). However, now my yellow tang and my blue tang's fins look aweful, (rotting away) I added MelaFix to the water...
  7. holley

    fin problems

    Hi, my Nitrates were extremely high. I took the advice of this site and changed my filter to wet dry and I am continuing the weekly water changes, (things are slowly getting better). However, now my yellow tang and my blue tang's fins look aweful, (rotting away) I added MelaFix to the water...
  8. holley

    I am a novice who needs help with high nitrates

    I have a 3 month old live sand bottom 75 gal tank, with about 75lbs of live rock. I have been changing 5 gal of water a week since I purchased this tank. I had three anemonies, 3 tangs, two damsels, 20 crabs, 20 snails, 1 starfish, and jaw fish. Now I have 3 anemonies, 2 tangs, 1 damsel, 10...