Search results

  1. moorea

    Puffer wasting away!

    Hey, where are you in Atlanta? I live in Cherokee county and work in North Fulton. I know every fish store here, used to work in one too. I know several stores too and you are right they are nice. Mail order will screw you, especially living in a great place for fish like ATL. Well i have a...
  2. moorea

    Puffer wasting away!

    Hi I recently got 3 fish mail order which i put in a cycled 55ga tank. A small dogface puffer, a small volitan lionfish and a small medium Picasso trigger. The picasso is doing fantastic, extremely active and eats everything.The lionfish hasn't been eating and i knew it would be a battle to get...
  3. moorea

    What is this white thing?

    Hi I don't know if it is spongy, i haven't touched it or messed with it. It is like some kind of tree with branches as you can see on the not so clear pic.It is all white in the center but is all surrounded by a clear film. It moves slightly with the current.There are a lot more but they are...
  4. moorea

    What is this white thing?

    Hi Can anyone tell me what this is? My tank has been running empty for about 4 months and used to have wild caught Florida fish and hermits. I have never done any reefkeeping. What is it? Thanks a lot Patrick
  5. moorea

    New trigger has ich

    Hi I have a 55ga fish only tank with only a 3 stripes damsel in it.I just purchased a picasso trigger and put it in there. Well it has ich.I know about the quarantine deal but i didn't bother since i only had a damsel in there. I actually have a cycled 10ga tank. The trigger stays in the upper...
  6. moorea

    Feeding panther grouper(Krill?)

    Thanks to both of you! :D
  7. moorea

    Feeding panther grouper(Krill?)

    Hi I am going to purchase a baby panther grouper from a friend who put it in his reef and realized it was a mistake. I ain't a newbie at keeping fish but i ain't no pro either.Got a lot to learn. The grouper will be in a 55ga with only a damsel to start.I understand the grouper will get huge and...
  8. moorea

    French angelfish not growing!

    Hi I obtained a juvenile french angelfish about 3 months ago.It lives in my 55Ga with a damsel, a pinfish, 2 gobies and 2 crabs. The pinfish was wild caught in Florida and doesn't bother the other fish but is much bigger and is a voracious eater. The angel is very active but thin. I feed mostly...
  9. moorea

    Used seaclone skimmer question

    Hi I recently purchased a used seaclone protein skimmer for $30. I installed it on my 55 Ga fish only set up and it started foaming like a crazy. After a week the cup was filled at 1/5 with black water but i noticed it wasn't producing anymore. So i emptied the cup and after 4 days there is...
  10. moorea

    Anybody collecting their own fish?(Florida)

    Surfheart That is a great tip you just gave about the diving flags. Anybody else doing some collecting? Let us know about it please ! Thanks a lot Moorea
  11. moorea

    What small live food for marine fish?

    Pufferlover I know we are not allowed links but could you e-mail me where to order blackworms or bloodworms online? My lfs is real sorry and won't order any even if i pay up front. Thanks Moorea
  12. moorea

    Anybody collecting their own fish?(Florida)

    Surfthearth I think i know where you mean.At least i have heard of it.Last time i heard around the pier that they had spotted blue sharks close to the pier. It kind of scared me.Now can you snorkle to that reef from the shore or is it strictly scuba? Also how deep is it at the shallowest? I am...
  13. moorea

    What small live food for marine fish?

    Thanks Jimmy !
  14. moorea

    What small live food for marine fish?

    Hi Beside brine shrimp, what other small live food can be used to feed picky eaters? Ghost shrimps are too big.I need small stuff. Thanks Moorea
  15. moorea

    Anybody keeping mediterranean/temperate fish?

    Hi I am looking into starting a SW temperate tank from the mediterranean sea. I will take any info anybody has or you can e-mail me links. Thanks
  16. moorea

    What do you feed a hermit crab?

    Hi Any suggestions on how to feed my hermit? Thanks Moorea
  17. moorea

    Grouperhead/Trey/FLA collecting report !

    Hi I had a great time.Caught Pinfish, Spots, Hermits, Pipefish, Gobies in Grass flats left and right and saw many more at St Andrews park which is a preserve like Jack Crevalle, Mangrove Snappers,a Stingray and colorfull Wrasses, Damsels and a Searobin. I looked for the grass flats in Grayton...
  18. moorea

    Grouperhead/Trey/FLA collecting report !

    Hi Back from Panama City/Destin trip. Can you guys send me an e-mail.I saw a lot,caught some interesting stuff but i couldn't find some spots you guys mentionned and it got me puzzled. Best regards Patrick
  19. moorea

    Anyone got a used skimmer they want to sell?

    Hi I will buy it from you and pay shipping. Patrick
  20. moorea

    Anybody collecting their own fish?(Florida)

    Trey & Grouperhead Trey i have a few questions about getting busted while collecting. Prior to that i have to admit being checked by a marine patrol officer two years ago on a Panama City pier.He drove by slowly and saw our Georgia plate and made his move sure he would nail us because we were...