Search results

  1. junyoungmin

    I.D. please. Nudibranch??

    I found 3 of these on a new rock from the LFS, they look like nudibranches. white with fluffy looking snowflakes coming off their backs. the rock had a colt coral on it but it fell off or tore off. are these things eating at it? are they bad to have? I tried supergluing the colt back on the rock...
  2. junyoungmin

    Cycle in record time!?! Can a jump start be this fast?

    i cycled my 20g in 7 days, using stability. my fish is still doing great after 8 months
  3. junyoungmin

    New 55g Tank

    gsp's get to about 6-6.5 inches. they start out in brackish water and work their way up to full salt water. everything you need to know about them is on
  4. junyoungmin

    New 55g Tank

    no i only have the gsp in the 20g. the other fish are what i am wanting to get when i do stock the 55g. is there anything else i can put in other than the tang and butterfly then?
  5. junyoungmin

    New 55g Tank

    Hi im new to the forum, although i have been going to this site for awhile. I have recently got a good deal on a 55g tank. it came with a solid oak stand, tank, and filter for 60$ Right now i have a 20g with a 3 inch green spotted puffer in it that i am raising to full marine throughout its...