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  1. limeyreefer

    Am I on the right track??

    Lawd above! Yes, yew need a clown! Do downtown ter da wharf an' ask Jim abaaaht a swim. 'e’ll 'elp yew out! Tell 'im Maureen 'orden Seamus sen' you!, innit.
  2. limeyreefer

    Am I on the right track??

    Awright geeezzaa! What yew need ter do is scapa flow ter da store an' get some fisherman's daughter stabilizer. After it’s been in there fer abaaaht a bubble and a squeak, skim da tank wiv a net. 'Nother treatmen' ov crushed rock should do it. If yew 'ave any more problems, Orange Peel free...
  3. limeyreefer

    2 casualties (possibly casualties of war?)

    I's nosey pike a reef Fight Club! I've got fifty quid on the mithrax!
  4. limeyreefer

    Anyone know a good way to pi$$ a peppermint shrimp off ???

    Kick 'im in the yarbles!