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  1. cody

    I want a mantis shrimp

    there is a store here in tucson that has two peacock and one green for sale. i think there somthing like 40 dollers.
  2. cody


    it worked! i treated the guy with a triple dose of spectrogram and a little vitamin c, and garlic which the lfs recommended. today i reacclimated him into the tank. the infection appears to be gone.
  3. cody


    my brain has a jelly looking layer of stuff over it, what is this?
  4. cody


    could you walk me through the steps for doing this
  5. cody


    the tank is 8 months old. in it i house various hard and soft corals. i have a pistol shrimp a bulb anemone and the usual snails and crabs. the clown is the only fish i have, and is a wild caught true perc. i have only had it for two weeks. i bought it at the same time as a fridmani...
  6. cody


    there is an inflamation on my perculas right gill. it is kind white and puffy. it looks like it is spreading very slowly, and i am worried. what could it be and how can i treat it?
  7. cody

    fire worms

    i have seen a couple of small (1-2") fire worms on my life rock. does anyone know of a way to get rid of them?
  8. cody


    my yellow polyps are exploding and i was wondering if there was a way to pull a couple off and move them to a different spot in the tank. also i have a couple of different mushrooms that have been growing for the last couple of months , but not multiplying. dose anyone know a way to entice them...
  9. cody

    sick fish

    i removed all the sick fish from my tank for treating. how long dose the tank have to stay fishless for the ich to go away. also the lfs told me that my corals and filter feeders eat the floating aroud stage of ich so if i have lots of those dose the time speed up.
  10. cody

    RIO PUMPS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

    lurch, i live in tucson and go to majestic. they know there stuff and have a good selection of corals and stuff.
  11. cody

    Bulb Anemone

    the color is brownish. and the light i curently have is a smart light
  12. cody

    Bulb Anemone

    i bought a green tip bulb anemone from my lfs. when i got it home and in the tank the bright green tips where gone. i figured it just had to aclamate for a couple of days, but a month latter it has not changed. other than the lack of color it is very healthy and spends most of the time in the...
  13. cody

    my clown

    i had a clarki that did the same thing and he had an anemone.
  14. cody

    Bulb Anemone

    i bought a green tip bulb anemone from my lfs. when i got it home and in the tank the bright green tips where gone. i figured it just had to aclamate for a couple of days, but a month latter it has not changed. other than the lack of color it is very healthy and spends most of the time in the...