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  1. tommygirl

    Can't figure this out?

    They move around a little for about 2 minutes then they freeze up like you said and them fall over, I don't understand I used to have one and he did great until he shed and my power blue tang had him for lunch.
  2. tommygirl

    Can't figure this out?

    No metals in the tank, the only thing I did do and shouldn't have is I had to measure the stop parasites stuff and I dipped the spoon in the tank to get the rest off, would that have done something? and what to do next? Is there a test for metals? I have one tang, two clowns, and 5 anemones, and...
  3. tommygirl

    Can't figure this out?

    I put 4 in today that I ordered from saltwater fish .com, my fish are doing great, I just don't understand? My salt was a little low last week when I put one in and it died also, so I raised the salt and they are still dying. I try to keep the salt at 1.020 because the store I by fish at keeps...
  4. tommygirl

    Can't figure this out?

    I have tried everything! I am so frustrated. Here are my readings ammonia 0, salt 1.021, nitrite 0, nitrate .10, ph 8.0. Every time I put a cleaner shrimp in they die with in ten minutes.Is there something wrong with my readings?