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  1. kjkerin

    Horseshoe Crab

    I just recieved an order from SW and the horseshoe crab poked a small hole in the bag. He has some water left but is not covering his whole body. Will he last a couple more hours like this?
  2. kjkerin

    Glueing Corals to Rocks

    I have read that you can glue corals to rocks to prevent them from falling over. I have a Gorgonians that I can't keep standing and would like to know if glueing is recommended. If so what kind of glue? Do you do this in the tanks or take it out of the tank? Will the glue effect my water param?
  3. kjkerin

    Snail & Featherduster Deaths

    I have a 90 gal reef tank set up for over 1 year. All the water parameters check OK but I am having trouble with snails dieing after a few months. Large feather dusters also meet the same doom. The weird thing is all the natural feather dusters that come out of the live rock are doing fine. Also...
  4. kjkerin

    Found Unknown Creature

    Over the weeken I pulled out a long black and white banded type worm. It was 4 to 5 inches long and very fast. He was working his way around my flower pot. I caught him with some tweezers and didn't know what he was so I disposed of him. Anyone know what this was? Also what do brisstle worms...
  5. kjkerin

    High Nitrate

    Problem: High Nitrate around 12 - Have always had readings of nitrate never been able to get rid of completely. Amonia also has a reading but is low PH is around 8. CA is good Salt is good That is all I test for Set Up: 90 Gal - 120 LR - Glass Bottom. Set up for 1 year. Wet Dry Filter, Protien...