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  1. shannpeach

    New Salt Water System

    Prepare yourself because it is pretty darn expensive. We have a 44 gallon reef tank and a 10 gallon fish only tank. The reef tanks tend to be more expensive. To give you a low ball estimate on how much we've spent....about 1,000 for everything including the live rock, live sand, filter...
  2. shannpeach


    Has anyone tried to put a Hawaiin Spotted Puffer or Valentini Puffer in a reef system tank? With shrimp? I've read that they are "reef safe, but moniter with shrimp" but I was just wondering if anyone has any personal experience. I love puffers but have a cleaner shrimp and a couple corals and...
  3. shannpeach


    Go to the This is the website we used to research copepods. They have pictures.
  4. shannpeach

    Banded Watchman Goby

    We have a spotted mandarin goby and he hid for quite some time when we first got him. Now he comes out all the time to graze and isnt shy anymore. Keep in mind that these fish have really special needs, like particular microfauna to feed on. Usually in a new tank there isnt enough of these...
  5. shannpeach

    where's my horseshoe crab?

    After I posted the original thread this morning, and came home from some errands we saw him moving around in the sand!:D We watched him for a long time, but now he went back to whereever he likes to go and we havent seen him for a bit.
  6. shannpeach

    How many kinds of shrimp?

    Just wondering--how many different kinds of shrimp is it alright to have, or should we just stick to one kind?
  7. shannpeach

    where's my horseshoe crab?

    A few weeks ago we bought a horseshoe crab, and I absolutely loved it. The only thing is that once we put it in the tank it burrowed into the sand and we havent seen it since. We havent even noticed any sand movement. Is this normal? What if it dies, how will we know? We really dont want to...
  8. shannpeach

    what does it mean by, diet: meaty

    I was wondering that too. Also, if it says to feed raw fish meat, is there a kind in particular to use, or do we just go to the grocery store and buy raw fish?? It doesnt seem like we should, but you never know.
  9. shannpeach

    food for our mandarin

    Hi! I am new to this site and relatively new to the hobby, and so I have a few questions. First, we have a spotted mandarin goby, which we now know probably isnt a good situation for a new tank. (The tank is 44 gallons) When we bought it, we were told he was just a grazer and that it would be...