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  1. kbluis

    do any other type of clowns host corals

    My percula hosts my ricordia rubs all day long on the mushrooms too
  2. kbluis

    What type of anenome is this?

    Well after much research and hair pulling I figured out that it was probably a Beaded anemone. Not what I wanted or thought I was sold so I took it back to my LFS and they insisted that it was a seabae and I just demanded my money back. They finally gave in when they realized they couldnt doop...
  3. kbluis

    What type of anenome is this?

    and I take it that a clown will not host in this correct?
  4. kbluis

    What type of anenome is this?

    Hello I just bought what I was told was a Seabae anemone. But after looking at all the pics that I have seen it looks nothing like that. Here are some pics of it just after being added to my tank. Please let me know what type you guys really think it is I am so confused. I have a tomato clown...