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  1. rookiemariner

    Octupus opens jars...

    I saw it too, very cool
  2. rookiemariner

    blood worms

    We have been alternating frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp and flakes every other day.
  3. rookiemariner

    My New Aquarium

    BEAUTIFUL !!!!! Funny , your 500 gallon only looks like twice as big as my 55.
  4. rookiemariner

    11 Questions from a newbie

    Thanks JW and SL. Your replies are much appreciated. And I must apologize for the last post. I was having a rough night.
  5. rookiemariner

    11 Questions from a newbie

    Thanks to those that have tried to help, but no-one has attempted to answer all of my questions. This is pretty sad. I am a newbie with specific questions and I guess that all of you on this site are so overwhelmed with knowledge that you let some simple questions from a newbie slip past your...
  6. rookiemariner

    11 Questions from a newbie

    Stacy, Thanks so much for your help. We will cut back on the feeding. NO NOT ICH !!! ANYTHING BUT THAT !!! We do see tiny white spots on the neon, is it possible that the high nitrite levels are causing him to act this way? What are the other symptoms of ich? If it is ich, where did it come...
  7. rookiemariner

    11 Questions from a newbie

    Thanks for that answer. We will wait for the nitrite levels to subside before adding livestock. 2 more questions: 1) Should we clean the brown hairy algae? off of the glass and decorations? 2) Are we maybe overfeeding ?
  8. rookiemariner

    11 Questions from a newbie

    Hi all. I am new to this forum and new to the hobby. I have done much reading and still have several questions. Any help is much appreciated. I bought my wife a "walmart special" 55 gallon tank for Christmas. It came with heater, hang on back filter and 2 light hoods. We have set up the tank...