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  1. rodi

    Lighting problem

    Actually one bulb was burned must need both to complete the circuit. Thanks!
  2. rodi

    Lighting problem

    both bulbs come on then go out at the same time. I will reseat them both, but im thinking that isnt it. Ill let u know
  3. rodi

    Lighting problem

    I have 2 2bulb 36" Hagen Glo t5 lighting fixtures. The problem is that one fixture will turn on for about a second and then turn off and remain off. When I unplug it and plug it back in it does the same thing. The fixture is about a year and a half old. Any ideas?? I recently replaced 1 of the...
  4. rodi

    hydor koralia question?

    I just prurchased a koralia 2, it claims to move 600 gph. My power heads say they move 200gph and seem more powerful. Is there something wrong with my new koralia or is the flow of powerhead just more focused/concentrated?
  5. rodi

    What kind of puffer???

    I have had him for 4 yrs and still dont know what kind he is. Is it an immacualte?
  6. rodi

    Live sand

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy No way I would use live sand that had sat for more than a couple of days. Would you use it after adequate rinsing? I Plan on seeding it after I get everything set up. That should be OK, shouldnt it?
  7. rodi

    Live sand

    Thanks all!
  8. rodi

    Live sand

    Going to rinse with WC water. Any tips on how I would do that? Screen of some sort? The sand seems very fine.
  9. rodi

    Live sand

    Rinse it it is. Any suggestions on the best way to rinse?
  10. rodi

    Live sand

    I recently purchased a five gallon bucket fulll of live sand and water. The sand and water were removed from a well established aquarium. My question is after sveral weeks is this sand still "alive"? Would it be ok to put this in as a new substrate without cycling it or "curing" it? I will be...
  11. rodi

    Lighting FOWLR

    I believe the tank is 36 inches wide. The budget is rather limited, 100 to 150 tops im thinking. Thanks
  12. rodi

    Lighting FOWLR

    Need thoughts on lighting for 65g FOWLR lighting. Im sure it has been covered on here but I am having trouble finding exactly what I need. I would like a light to add nice growth to LR and to provide nice aesthetic light, I may add an anenome later down the road too. Lets stick without the...
  13. rodi

    FOR SALE: 125 in Ohio w/stuff

    Im Interested in your Tank and other items, I am in columbus and have immediate funds, email me
  14. rodi

    what should I do?

    Over a month ago i had a total fish kill off in tank. I bought a fish from LFS and foolishly did not Qt it. The new fish enied after a day or two then my PB Tang, which I had for almost 2yrs, developed either ick or some type of fungi then perished a few days later. I removed my LR and Inverts...
  15. rodi

    What should I do?

    it wasnt white spots thats why i wasnt sure if it was ich. It could have possibly been a fungus. If it were would this waiting period be sufficient?
  16. rodi

    What should I do?

    Over a month ago i had a total fish kill off in tank. I bought a fish from LFS and foolishly did not Qt it. The new fish enied after a day or two then my PB Tang, which I had for almost 2yrs, developed either ick or some type of fungi then perished a few days later. I removed my LR and...
  17. rodi

    Attack of the brittle star

    I think that my brittle star is preying on its slower tank mates. I have had the brittle star for about 3 months. Its body is about the size of a bottle cap and it's arms are approx 4 inches long. My scooter was missing last month and today my cleaner shrimp is gone! I have had my shrimp...
  18. rodi

    50/50 or 10000 K

    I used SO for standerd output/ same as NO normal output I presume.
  19. rodi

    50/50 or 10000 K

    I have a 38gal FOWLR. 1 single SO Flour tube. I am looking for the LR to flourish more. With 1 SO bulb, would a 50/50 or 10000 K (or other suggestion) bulb be recommended? I relize an upgrade of lighting would be preferred but this is what I have to work with now <img...
  20. rodi

    regular output bulbs

    What is the best regular output flour tube bulb for a FOWLR. Looking to stimulate some LR growth as well as show fish colors. Tank is 38gal with a 24" bulb capacity. Thanks ;)