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  1. alyssahum

    switching cc to sand

    I'm going to switch my 40g tank from cc to sand. Besides buying southdown sand at HD (which is impossible to find), does anyone know the best way to come up with sand. I don't think I can afford LS. Are there any other "play sands" that work (microfauna etc.).
  2. alyssahum

    Live sand and first coral help

    I have a 40G that has been up and running for a few yrs now. I never knew that live sand was better than crushed coral. In fact, the pet store said that sand traps bad gas, not the cc. And, you must disturb the sand every so often to relase the gas bubbles. My pet store is definitely...
  3. alyssahum

    ick and hypo

    I have never done a hypo treatment. My fish have ick and I need to cure them. I need to know from start to finish everything about hypo treatment. Thanks a lot
  4. alyssahum

    fish size?

    Thanks, the size adjustment reply was the exact information I was looking for. I had no idea tangs lived for 50 years!!!
  5. alyssahum

    fish size?

    I recently lost all of my fish to a disease. I have waited about 6weeks and purchased a QT tank and I am ready to start again. As far as fish size goes, how fast do they grow (tangs, puffers). I have a 40g tank and I will probably have a larger one w/in the next couple of years. My old yellow...
  6. alyssahum

    Everything Died! What now?

    Yes, they were breathing hard and had a loss of color. Why do you dislike medications (they have always worked for me in the past). Also, will my tank really need to run for a month before I try new fish. I still have all of my inverts and live rock. Finally, do you think my low PH has...
  7. alyssahum

    Everything Died! What now?

    This is the first time I have used this Forum, so sorry for the lack of knowledge. Recently, my fish became sick. I have a 40g tank and have had damsels and a clown and a Tang for almost 2 years (I also have inverts and live rock). I added new fish almost 3 weeks ago. I have no idea if this...