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  1. salth20addict

    Whats the most important "thing" you've learned

    Even when things are going bad, my tank beats anything on tv. I can sit and watch it for hours and find myself watching it with the tv running. Also, wives don't like talking to you when you can see the tank, they learn quickly your focus is on your tank!
  2. salth20addict

    shot of my ever growing acro forrest

    Awesome! Beautiful Tank! The kind we all aspire to. Thanks for sharing.
  3. salth20addict

    what is this on my clam??

    I would guess some sort of small anenome which is irritating the clams tissue near it. You maybe able to remove it. JMO. Others may have more info.
  4. salth20addict

    mystery crab

    Looks to be a member of the mythrax crab family, like an emerald crab. If the claws don't come to a point but instead are rounded and have a space between the claws when the tips are closed then I think you're safe. That's how it looks in the picture anyway. JMO. :thinking:
  5. salth20addict

    Tang Survey

    Red Sea Purple Tang 3-4 inches 4 years Powder Brown Tang 3 inches 1 year Emerald Entree, spirlina flakes, seaweed selects 125 gallon reef with 30 gallon refug.
  6. salth20addict

    Longnose Butterfly

    If you are talking about the standard longnose butterfly that is yellow on the back end and white on the face, they are designed to eat critters from between stoney corals. In captivity they will eat pretty much anything once acclimated to the tank. You want to be sure to supply them with meaty...
  7. salth20addict

    Unwanted guest id

  8. salth20addict

    Unwanted guest id

    I recently purchased some chaeto online which promised to include alot of critters seeing I am trying to get my fuge going. After just one week with it in my fuge I have literally hundreds of little tan hair like insects? on the surface of the water. They scoot around and jump at the edge of the...
  9. salth20addict

    Frozen test kit

    Last winter my test kit, aquarium pharm, sat out in my garage which isn't heated and I'm sure the liquids of the test kit froze. Does this affect the validity of the tests now? All my test are coming out great and I'm leary that it may be a problem with the test kit. Thanks for the help! Happy...
  10. salth20addict

    Unexplained invertabrate death

    Also, some of the rocks were stored in garbage bags and some of the substrate sand was stored in a 5 gallon bucket. All was rinsed well prior to setting up the tank. The rest of the rock came out of an existing reef tank that was doing well.
  11. salth20addict

    Unexplained invertabrate death

    Snails and hermit crabs all seem fine. I haven't noticed any die off in them. Just the shrimp and several emerald crabs. House is only 29 years old. I have some zoanthids and pulsating xenia in the tank as well and montipora and they all seem well too. If it were copper wouldn't the coral be...
  12. salth20addict

    Unexplained invertabrate death

    Am-0 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-0 Pot-0 Salinity 1.0235 Ph-8.3 Used tap water for original start up but have used RO since.
  13. salth20addict

    Unexplained invertabrate death

    Hi, I have a 125 gallon reef tank with 150lbs of live rock that was just restarted following relocating and about a year off. The tank has been set up for about 4 months and it has a sump of 30 gallons with calurpa and miracle mud. Everything has gone well except for some hair algae issues which...