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  1. convbmw

    Emergency....need Help Please. I Think Its Dying

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark Ahhhh yes now I remember. Well unfortuanatly there is no easy to get around this you need new lighting desperatly. HO-T5's bare minimum individually reflected, I would suggest a 6 bulb fixture, 2 actinic blue and 4 10k daylights. This would give you over 300...
  2. convbmw

    Emergency....need Help Please. I Think Its Dying

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark The food you gave it was much too large. You need to feed it small frequent meals, portions no larger than its mouth. I would be 90% certain that its expelling waste after hearing how large a meal you gave it. What type of lighting do you have? How many watts...
  3. convbmw

    Emergency....need Help Please. I Think Its Dying

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark The food you gave it was much too large. You need to feed it small frequent meals, portions no larger than its mouth. I would be 90% certain that its expelling waste after hearing how large a meal you gave it. What type of lighting do you have? How many watts...
  4. convbmw

    Emergency....need Help Please. I Think Its Dying

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark How much did you feed it? How large of a piece of food. The fact that it hasent footed is not good. But at first glance this could easily expelling waste. I do believe that your anemone is not healthy but at this point I dont think it is dying. If its expelling...
  5. convbmw

    Emergency....need Help Please. I Think Its Dying

    Well, I JUST got home and saw what is in the pics, this is the 2nd time that my anemone has been doing this. He hasn't footed down for a LONGGGG time. Fed him last night....did a 20% water change. Everything level wise seems to test well I think he is dying. Can someone please help. How soon do...
  6. convbmw

    Emergency....need Help Please. I Think Its Dying

    I am sorry, I meant to post this in the Clownfish & Anemones catagory. Well, I JUST got home and saw what is in the pics, this is the 2nd time that my anemone has been doing this. He hasn't footed down for a LONGGGG time. Fed him last night....did a 20% water change. Everything level wise seems...
  7. convbmw


    Originally Posted by dmschiff A few hours later he started to close up on himjself and this brown stringy stuff came out. I read contradicting things. Brown= good = poop and also, brown= bad =getting rid of zooas (sp) been there, have had it happen to me as well, check it out...
  8. convbmw

    pics of undulated trigger, eel

  9. convbmw

    Need Opinion On Durso And H2o Flow

    Originally Posted by keith burn It is a y pipe looks like this. or the 2nd one With a ball valve going back into sump I hate to sound like a complete uneducated ding dong but I dont understand the set up. On the Y where does each end go to. I am sorry, I am far from engineeringly inclined.
  10. convbmw

    Need Opinion On Durso And H2o Flow

    Originally Posted by keith burn Do the ball valves flow back into the sump? Imo if thay have a 3 way that will flow back in to the sump or fuge it's the best way to adjust the flow. I am sorry, what is a 3 way ??
  11. convbmw

    Need Opinion On Durso And H2o Flow

    Originally Posted by keith burn Got pic of the set up all of it? What size pump? What size over flow? Hello and thank you. The pump is a little giant MDXQ-series. As for the overflow, I dont know as a result I bought it from 3rd party. I am posting pics. If you can see, there is a ball valve...
  12. convbmw

    Why only one tang.......

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman *Healthy Tangs get big *Healthy Tangs need a lot of grazing area *Tangs need a lot of swimming room *Tangs tend to be territorial towards similar shaped Tangs. That's what the scalpel is for. Multiple Tangs can be kept in the same tank, but it needs to be a...
  13. convbmw

    Why only one tang.......

    in a tank ??? Anyone care to share ?? I didnt think that they were aggressive.
  14. convbmw

    Need Opinion On Durso And H2o Flow

    Someone help a brotha out. LOL.
  15. convbmw


    Originally Posted by blownz281 Any Updates? Thank you for asking. Well, as I mentioned....they SO have a mind of their own. LOL. He was doing EXACTLY the same thing yesterday as in the pic, a glob of beige something coming out of his mouth. This time, I let him be. he deflated a little bit...
  16. convbmw

    Need Opinion On Durso And H2o Flow

    I am including a pic of my situation. I got a new return pump and I know its rockin well. Its pushing plenty more h2o into the tank. Well, my concern is that the overflow in my box and the durso isnt working efficiently enough. Should I continue to adjust, (and its been a PAIN), the durso so...
  17. convbmw

    Very Easy Carbon Usage Question To Be Answered

    SteelGluer....AWESOME information. Not only did you inform me, you educated me in simple terms. Thank you so so much.
  18. convbmw

    Very Easy Carbon Usage Question To Be Answered

    Originally Posted by Beth Depends on your type of system on whether I'd consider using it at all. Aggressive and FO, probably just do polishing 1x a week. Reef tank, never use it. FOWLR, once in while if needed. QT, after a sickness episode following medication treatment. Why bad on a reef...
  19. convbmw

    Very Easy Carbon Usage Question To Be Answered

    Originally Posted by Beth If you want the full effects of carbon, then it needs to be changed out every 3 weeks. No reuse. Awesome. Thank you for the info. Would you suggest constantly using it or just once in a while ?? If once in a while, what kind of intervals ?