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  1. jjman101

    A good first coral?

    now did you guys really have to post pics of your gsp. now i guess i'll have to stop by my lfs store on the way home and pick some up for my self :)
  2. jjman101

    A good first coral?

    thanks reef man and reef fool i think i'm going to go with the gsp.
  3. jjman101

    A good first coral?

    I just got my lights the other day 2 175 watt mh 10000k and i want to get my first coral. I'm thinking about going with a GSP is that a good place to start? john
  4. jjman101

    coral banded shrimp

    my cbs hangs upside down all day and usually only comes down to eat and stuff like that. i don't feed mine i just let him eat algae and pick up the scrapes. he is usually more active when the lights are off on the tank. hope this helps. john
  5. jjman101

    red coris wrasse

    he is still in the juv stage only about 2.5" long right now. I have also read that they will grow into the 14-18" range. i do have a 4" sand bed. I have about 16" of my tank that i left with just sand and he usually will barrow over there. currently he is to small be able to eat any of my...
  6. jjman101

    red coris wrasse

    i would eventually like to have a few corals in my bigger tank once of course i get a skimmer and upgrade the lights and all that fun stuff. i have a red coris wrasse which i have been told was reef safe at my lfs but i have also heard they are not reef safe. any information is greatly...
  7. jjman101

    ls/dsb questions

    i do have a fighting conch in there. so what i will do is get a few more snails and see how that works out. thanks for the info.
  8. jjman101

    Whats the most you would pay...

    my lfs is $30 for a clean and $59.99 for a blood.
  9. jjman101

    ls/dsb questions

    ok so it sounds like i'll i will need is some Cerith snails and some more hermits maybe. Thanks john
  10. jjman101

    ls/dsb questions

    i have switch from cc to a 4" live sand bed in my tank. I have heard from my lfs that i need to get some things starfish snails etc to stir up the sand bed. but i've read on here that they will eat all the good stuff out of the sand bed there by defeating the reasons for having it. Is this true?
  11. jjman101


    my clowns have been doing great with out a host
  12. jjman101

    got my lights today

    let me know how you like them
  13. jjman101

    West Texas Dust Storm

    awesome pic's i was in texas last year for a while but i didn't get to see any that big. I can still remember the taste of dirt ewwwww
  14. jjman101

    My two shrimp shed EVERY two weeks!!is this normal???

    they usually molt about every three weeks.
  15. jjman101

    "Finding Nemo"

    a great movie a most for kids or fish lovers
  16. jjman101

    Some pictures

    awesome pics i would have to agree that my favorite is the one of the clam.
  17. jjman101

    How are we doing for our first tank (1 yr. old)

    awesome pic's can't wait for the full tank shot.
  18. jjman101

    emerald crab more of a threat or helper

    I've never had any problems with mine and one of them even eats hair algae every now and then.
  19. jjman101

    I promised pictures...

    your time and hard work has definity paid off. Looks great!
  20. jjman101

    What a job!

    i think i need to talk to my boss about setting up something like this were i work.