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  1. jjman101

    Florida Marine Aquarium 47th Anual Show pics

    now those are some truly beautiful pics thank you so much for sharing.
  2. jjman101

    my tank

    dang that's a huge ray
  3. jjman101

    cleaner shrimp vs. fire shrimp

    i have read that fire shrimp will also clean fish just like cleaner shrimp is this true i was going to get one of each but now i'm thinking about just getting two fire shrimp. Is this a good idea?
  4. jjman101

    Just thought I would show you my new reef tank.........just bought

    that's an awesome looking tank i to am very jealous but i think my apt is a little to small for a tank that big guess i'll have to wait till i buy a house.
  5. jjman101

    What is your dream tank?

    just like a 250 gallon tank with a big ray in it that would be sweet
  6. jjman101

    YEAH! I Got My Stuff!

    i to am still like a little kid when i get something new. i hope that never changes.
  7. jjman101

    ID Help plzzz... Featherduster?

    no idea what it is but it looks kinda cool
  8. jjman101

    75g W/Everything! in MI

    let me know if it doesn't sell and her are willing to part it out.
  9. jjman101

    best LR base?

    thanks i'll give that a try
  10. jjman101

    do mandarin gobies and yellow watchman get along

    thanks for your replies guys i think i am going to give it a try. Of course dindi i'm not going to go this right away the tank i want to put them in is to new at least for the mandarin. I do have a mandarin in my other tank and he is doing good. I only have about 30LB of live rock right now...
  11. jjman101

    New Possum Wrasse Photos

    cool pick i also like the feather duster i want to get some of those for my tank .
  12. jjman101

    best LR base?

    i'm going to be startng a reef tank and i just want to know what kinda of LR seems to work best for the base to put the corals on?
  13. jjman101

    do mandarin gobies and yellow watchman get along

    i want to put a mandarin and a yellow watchman gobie in the same tank together the tanks is 75 gallons would this fish be able to get along fine?
  14. jjman101

    opions on seaclone skimmer "the perfect storm"

    thanks guys i was thinking about getting one but not anymore i will look into other skimmers
  15. jjman101

    mandarin losses color

    thanks guy i really appreciate it. I'm glad it just isn't mine. i can feel my stress level going down
  16. jjman101

    what are your thoughts on Caribbean Live Rock

    i really should have read over that last post be before i submitted it. It's a little hard to read sorry guys.
  17. jjman101

    what are your thoughts on Caribbean Live Rock

    yea i know it's a bit spending but it is awesome stuff and i have picked so awesome rocks up a couple even have xmas trees on them :) my LFS didn't notice that. so has the carribean rock been doing good for you guys then it seems to be great in my tanks i love. just was wondering if there were...
  18. jjman101

    mandarin losses color

    that's good to know i was starting to worry about the poor guy. but when the lights are on he does get always hovering around the tank picking at stuff. such a cool fish!
  19. jjman101

    opions on seaclone skimmer "the perfect storm"

    i'm thinking about added a skimmer to my 75gallon tank i'm looking at the seaclone "the perfect storm" does any one have this skimmer. i'm looking for more info on it plus and minus to this module etc.
  20. jjman101

    mandarin losses color

    I think this is kinda weird just wanted to see if it normal or if it's something i am doing wrong. when i get up in the morning and turn the lights on to feed my fish the mardin looks really pale and isn't moving but after about 10 mins of having the lights on. he has his bright colors back...