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  1. jjman101

    what are your thoughts on Caribbean Live Rock

    hey ty what site did you order the rock from? you can also email me at
  2. jjman101

    Algae Everywhere!!

    this is pretty sweet the lawn mower blennie is already chowing on the green hair algae thanks guys!!!!!!!!!
  3. jjman101

    what are your thoughts on Caribbean Live Rock

    yea i wish it did comes with nemo. I only got a six pounder. because of the price he said i could order 25lbs of it for only 200 which works out to about $8/lb but i can't spend that much on it right now.
  4. jjman101

    what are your thoughts on Caribbean Live Rock

    I picked up some caribbean live rock the other day at my LFS and i think it is really cool. Are there any bad things that come with this kinda or rock or is there another kind of live rock that is perferred?The worst thing i have found so far is that it was 11.99/LB
  5. jjman101

    New pics of my stuff

    wow those pics are crystal clear
  6. jjman101

    I didn't know about these..

    i heard peppermint shrimp is the best way to get rid of aptasia is this correct?
  7. jjman101

    Algae Everywhere!!

    has anyone on here used a lawnmower bleenie to get rid of hair algae before? i have a mild case of it right now.
  8. jjman101

    12 gallon nano.... Take a look....

    wish i could make 12 gallons and a couple hundred dollars look that good
  9. jjman101

    Hey! chef jaysen!!!!

    awesome tank i'm very jealous
  10. jjman101

    I took some pictures please check it out

    nice pics thxs for sharing
  11. jjman101

    fans to cool tank down

    i'm not really worried about my lighting to much lights are on mostly at nite. so pointing a fan at the front of my tank might work?
  12. jjman101

    any small chillers for sale?

    any small chillers for sale?
  13. jjman101

    fans to cool tank down

    thanks dvs if that will work i'm all about it. i work on comp's for a living so i know all about those little computer fans. Just wasn't sure if that would be i'll i needed thanks.
  14. jjman101

    fans to cool tank down

    I keep hearing people talking about fans to cool the tank down. I just started my tanks over the winter so i know nothing about cooling my tank down. So if anyone can help that would be great. What type of fans are you guys using. Like regural house fans and pointing them at the tank or are...
  15. jjman101

    Ick or Not Ick??

    i had something like this in my tank for the last three weeks. one of my fish was covered in what looked like a dusting of white spots. he finally went last nite. But i do have one other fish in the tank who has no white spots what so ever is there anything i should do or do you think i can...
  16. jjman101

    recomended pet stores in Minnesota

    I Go to a wet pet in apple valley but it is about half the size of something fishy the owner is very knowlegable but the kids that work there at night are not! There prices are a few bucks cheaper and if you come in on monday's about five when they get the new fish in you can get 20% off if...
  17. jjman101


    ok that's kinda what i wanted to know my lfs told me that i shouldn't need one with my current setup i was just wondering if he was full up it.
  18. jjman101


    i have two saltwater tanks a 29 g setup for four months and a 75 g with a ehiem 2215 canaister filter setup up for 3 months i've been testing the water ever week everything seems fine. I guess my real question is do i need a skimmer if so what does it do and what one would you recommend...