Search results

  1. stackman

    hippo and yellow tang diet?

    The tangs need a mostly veggie diet. I feed frozen foods and sheets of dried algea. There is a great veggie based frozen food called Formula Two out there.
  2. stackman

    time for the hard part...

    I would get the blue or green chromis. They are just good little fish to build a foundation on, along with the clowns. Stackman
  3. stackman

    ro water

    I work at a LFS, and we sell RO. The process makes it very acidic and soft. I''ve had to buffer mine up a ways to get it in a good range. I recommend the seachem marine buffer.
  4. stackman

    AquaC Remora

    Does anyone out there use one of these skimmers? I want to know if they are any good or not. I hear good things about them and I have limited space for a skimmer, so I was considering one.
  5. stackman

    Water turnover rate

    What is everyone's water turnover rate? (The third option should say 16 to 20, not 11 to 20)
  6. stackman


    What's the general consensus on using additives such as Kent Iodine, Strontium, and Calcium to your reerf systems? I know water changes replace the trace elements, but from what I understand Iodine is particularly quick to filter out.
  7. stackman

    best cycling method

    If you have the money, I am a big fan of the live sand method. Take say, 1 - 2 lbs per gallon, and wait a few days. Test the water, and it should be alright. Then throw in a few damsels for a week or two. Or... One method is using Cycle and buying damsels. The Cycle throws live bacteria into...
  8. stackman

    Black Ocellaris

    Does anyone know if it possible to obtain a mated pair of one black ocellaris (false percula) and a normal orange ocellaris clown? I know that they are the same family, but it is my understanding that they come from different geographic regions in the Indian ocean.