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  1. rygoodm6

    Tang Tank Size

    they say a 75g min
  2. rygoodm6


    how do i get rid of them
  3. rygoodm6

    greem alge??? id anyone

    55g 260w pc lighting...onlt ro/di water used...water is premixed at lfs...same salt level amonia=0 nitrite=0 nitrate=0 ph 8.1 1 banded shrimp 1 brit star 2 scarlet crabs 5 nars snails 1 damsel 2 scotter blennies all is doing great but all the damsel has done since the other was removed is hide...
  4. rygoodm6

    greem alge??? id anyone

    i have this green alge that is growing on my looks like grass...its not diatoms anymore...know what that looks like now...but this green stuff is all over my rock and its about a 1/4 in tall...any ideas???
  5. rygoodm6

    Will These Fish Be Ok???

    the tangs need to go...yes they are small now but they will soon out grow...some people like cc stars but they can be a pain...not reef safe and eat anything they can touch...jmo
  6. rygoodm6

    How many pds of san?

    if you gop to live sand on this site there is a calc that tells you
  7. rygoodm6

    alternate to lr

    Originally Posted by psusocr1 you can get 50 pounds of base rock for $40 bucks and its awesome looking rock...At least the base rock i got is cool! were can i get it at...can you email it to me...
  8. rygoodm6

    alternate to lr

  9. rygoodm6

    alternate to lr

    what about the concrete blocks and bricks, any kind of potery safe???like just the brown stuff...had seen some in the tanks at lfs
  10. rygoodm6

    alternate to lr

    what can i use as base rock instead of all live rock...ive heard so many diffrent things on here that people disscuse using but what can really be used in a fish tank...i know everyone says just spend the money and get the good stuff but ive sunk so much money into the tank kinda looking for a...
  11. rygoodm6

    red spot on sand

    amonia is less that .25 nitrite is .05 and nitrate is 5.0 doing a water change tomorrow...what could this red spot be....its not like and alge it just a spot...look kinda like the sand turnd red
  12. rygoodm6

    red spot on sand

    when i got up today i noticed there was a red spot on my sand...any idea what it could be??? when i got home tonight it had gotten bigger...any idea?? never seen it before
  13. rygoodm6

    Do I need a cover?

    get a top...if you dont water will splash out and et salt the bottom of the lights will be covered in salt...
  14. rygoodm6

    bubles grrr

    i have alot of micro bubles in my tank. how can i get rid of these things...have heard that they are bad and if they are i need to make them go away...any ideas????
  15. rygoodm6


    hmm..strange i have seen my damsel eat alge in my tank many times....maybe i just got a weird one...but i would just keep an eye on him
  16. rygoodm6


    currently have about 20 lbx live rock in my 55g and im geting ready to add about 40 lbs more of pre curred live rock....the lr is cured in the back of the fish store and is then stuck in a display tank with constant this going to do anything to my paramiters
  17. rygoodm6


    in wouldnt see why not they put them in bags and ship them cross the country...i would puta power head in there for some areation
  18. rygoodm6

    brown alge wont go away

    i did add iodine stuff in my tank the other day think maybe that started this mess
  19. rygoodm6

    brown alge wont go away

    i use r/o water bought at lfs do i need a bigger clean up crew...only a single damsel in there with a brit star banded shripp 3 scarlet crabs and 6 snails tank is about 6-8 weeks old...yes cycle is done
  20. rygoodm6

    brown alge wont go away

    water params are amonia 0 no3 5-10 no2 .05 ph 8.4