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  1. rygoodm6

    brown alge wont go away

    i had a sudden bloom of brown alge on my sand lr and glass...i went out and got 6 snails 3 scarlet hermets and a brittal star to try and clean it up...this is in a 55g tank that was running normal flur bulbs bought from pet co...what can i do to get rid of this stuff...i drop my lights on time...
  2. rygoodm6

    green brital start

    drip drip drip
  3. rygoodm6

    New Setup Cloudy Water - What to do ?

    how long has it been set up???
  4. rygoodm6

    green brital start

    i did a water change yesterday and added a green brital star...the star has been in the same corner since i have put him in the tank about 16 hours ago..hes not hiding its out in the this normal or is something wronge
  5. rygoodm6

    Sand Rinsing

    is the water in your tank already???if so there is going to be a sand storm in there...put the sand in there first and then use a plate or something to set on the sand and then put the water in there
  6. rygoodm6

    need help with inverts!

    anything thing in there making a meak out of them...might wanna check
  7. rygoodm6

    how many snails and crabs do i need

    i have a 55g fowlr and im wondering about how many crabs snails and other things i need as a clean up crew
  8. rygoodm6

    help please...chem all crazy

    water test redone amonia 0 from .25 nitrates 5 from 20 nitrites .1 or .2 from .5
  9. rygoodm6

    help please...chem all crazy

    20 percent water change done, 2 more carlets added total of 3, brittal star added guuna let tank cycle for an hour and then check water running a filter that does 350 gph a canister filter with carbon that does 200 gph and 2 power heads that do 170 gph 25lbs live rock and 40 lbs dead...
  10. rygoodm6

    help please...chem all crazy

    might be over feeding but the 1 fish i have in there always acts like he is hungry...ill stop feeding for a day or two and do a water change and see what happends....what can i get to eat up the missed food
  11. rygoodm6

    help please...chem all crazy

    everything was fine till today i found that my shrimp had shed and it was decomposing....did a chem test and its crazy... ph=8.0 alk= normal ammonia=.25 nitrates=20 nitrites=.5 what can i do to get this down...its a 55 gal that has been up for 7 weeks now
  12. rygoodm6

    coral or no???

    its not that...might be chili....its not like alge its looks like a tree and is bright pink
  13. rygoodm6

    coral or no???

  14. rygoodm6

    coral or no???

  15. rygoodm6

    coral or no???

    i dont have a pic but when i got a peice of lr home i noticed there is this pink coral looking thing..its very bright pink and kinda stems out like branches...its only about the size of a pecile but is it coral or is it something else
  16. rygoodm6

    brown groth in sand

    ok thanks,,,only been up for about 2 months....kind weird it like happend in no time. left for work not there...come home 8 hours later and there it is
  17. rygoodm6

    brown groth in sand

    i have noticed in my sad bed there is this brown stuff growing...guess this good or bad?? and my coral banded shrimp like sheaded last night. is he supposed to do that...and should i dig it out...i know stupid questions again
  18. rygoodm6

    egg crate top??????

    i have lights on the way and they have feet that hold them up above my tank but with my current hood the light wont get through..i have seen some people on here post about making them out of egg does this work...and do they mean egg cartons???? if they do wont they melt..please...
  19. rygoodm6

    why so many bubles

    ok thank i did see that little peice and ill put it on right away