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  1. rygoodm6

    why so many bubles

    i put a power head in my 55g that does 170 gph. the thing is shooting out a toon of bubles. is this normla or do i need to do something to change it...if i block off the areation hose they stop but cant tell how much water is flowing out. anyone have any idea
  2. rygoodm6

    ick please help

    if a fish gets ick and i get him out of the tank will the other fish get it also...the infected fish is out of the tank
  3. rygoodm6

    little white spots

    one of my 3 strip damsels has little white spots on is tail...what are they and what can i do please help
  4. rygoodm6

    WTS 55 FO Clown Trigger & Eel Chicago area

    are you selling any lr??? email me
  5. rygoodm6

    for sale coralife pc fixture w/lunars

    no 275...i picked up that same lighting for 99$...121.99 with shiping
  6. rygoodm6

    snow flake eel

    this i know...i have an established tank but if they cant be held with other fish i will set the other one up and cycle it and then put it in there
  7. rygoodm6

    snow flake eel

    what fish are safe with them if any. there is one sitting at the lfs that has been there forever and i want to get him out...looks misserable...if there not safe with anything ill set up the 55g i have sitting in the spare room.
  8. rygoodm6

    Great deal/bad timing

    lose the tang...way to big
  9. rygoodm6

    preparing a tank

    go to your lfs and there are cleaners you can use taht are safe. just dont use any onld cleaner
  10. rygoodm6

    preparing a tank

    i used tap water...if you wanna be safe you can use r/o water...tap water gave me no trouble....just dont use any cleaners
  11. rygoodm6


    most fish that i have seen they suggest it at 1.020-1.025 so sounds to me that you would be fine...i run same level in my 55
  12. rygoodm6

    So whats wrong with large water changes?

    yes there is stuff in the water. if there wasnt we would all do large water changes. hell if there wasnt we would all do 100% changes and not have to worry about anything. larger water changes can send you through a little cycle. not saying you shouldnt do them, just wouldnt advise to do them.
  13. rygoodm6

    So whats wrong with large water changes?

    by doing large ones you are messing with the cycle...taking alot of the good stuff out and making it start over...small ones dont do that...just a little tip trash the cc
  14. rygoodm6

    When adding freshwater

    make sure it was produced by r/o
  15. rygoodm6

    55g sump for 55g tank

    i have an extra 55g tank just sitting sround the house and thought i could make it inot a sump. dont really know anyting about how to do this so if anyone has any ideas please tell me i could use all the help i can get
  16. rygoodm6

    What shuld i put in a 30 gallon tank

    arnt snowflake eels mean
  17. rygoodm6

    lighting lighting lighting

    even if thre at the top of my rocks close to the light....thanks for the info
  18. rygoodm6

    lighting lighting lighting

    48 inch JEBO HIGH COMPACT AQUARIUM LIGHT 260w LEG. i just purchased that lighting system form my 55gal tank.. is that going to be enough to house soft corals and annemies. it has the white and blue bulbs. thats almost 5 wats per gal
  19. rygoodm6


    they order there stuff and hope it gets sold in the first few days so it doesnt die..the ***** were i live has a manager that is into saltwater fish and they are getting the proper lighting to be able to sell them
  20. rygoodm6

    stuff everywere...what to do

    there is die off and some fish food that is at the bottom of my tank...what will clean that up...shrimp doesnt want to he would ranther eat off the rock