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  1. rygoodm6

    help please anyone

    amonia is 0
  2. rygoodm6

    help please anyone

    sand bed, i have these stupid strips... saying ph is 7.5 and nitrites are at a stress seem fine though. shrimp is going to town climbing on rocks and damsels are swinging everywere
  3. rygoodm6

    help please anyone

    ph low and nitrites high, just did a wate change 2 days ago. everything else is fine what can i do???
  4. rygoodm6

    water test

    nitrate less than 20 nitrite .5 alk between 180 and 300 ph 7.8 good or bad????
  5. rygoodm6

    water test

    nitrate less than 20 nitrite .5 alk between 180 and 300 ph 7.8 good or bad????
  6. rygoodm6

    enough lighting???

    is it enought for inverts and soft corals
  7. rygoodm6

    enough lighting???

    48 inch JEBO HIGH COMPACT AQUARIUM LIGHT 260w is that enough lighting to have hard corals????
  8. rygoodm6

    looking for lr in stl area or around

    im looking for someone that is wanting to unload some lr in the stl area or about a 200 mile radius....if you have some let me know
  9. rygoodm6


    how much for ligts in need big time email me
  10. rygoodm6

    can you mix lr and dead coral??

    can you do that or shuold i not any sugestions
  11. rygoodm6

    lights lights who wants lights ? ? ? ? ?

    how mush for the 48 inch??? email me at with a price and shipping to 62223
  12. rygoodm6

    enough filtration??

    i have about 30 lbs lr in my 55 g tank. i have a regular filter that does 300gph and a canister filter that does 200 gph. is that enought filtration or do i need more??? should i get a power head. its gunna be fish only and the filter hang on one side of the tank and the canister hand on the...
  13. rygoodm6

    lr vs dead coral????? can you mix

    is it ok to mix lr with dead coral or should you just use lr.. will the dead coral seed like the sand will??? just wondering what in should do
  14. rygoodm6

    tank wont cycle

    55 gal
  15. rygoodm6

    tank wont cycle

    i have had my tank up and running for 4 days now and i have a raw shrimp in the tank to start the cycle. the shrimp has been in the tank for 4 days and is starting to decompose. i took a sample of water to the lfs and they told me that amonia nitrits and nitrates are all 0. is this normal or is...
  16. rygoodm6

    can anything be used instaed of just live rock

    if you cant afford to go buy a large amount of live rock is there something you can put in there that can replace the live fake rock or some other kind of rock?????
  17. rygoodm6

    pro skimmers for fo tank yes or no???

    im new and dont know... soem say yes some say no....what to do
  18. rygoodm6

    pro skimmers for fo tank yes or no???

    heard so many things what do yall think?
  19. rygoodm6

    am i missing something

    whats a refractor
  20. rygoodm6

    am i missing something

    ok guys i have 2 55 gal tank but only gunna do one for right now. i have a filter that had all 3 stages of filtration and it does 400 gph, i have a canister filter that does 225 gph and pro skimmer, heater, 54 gal of ro water, salt and sand andthing else before i should set this up???? all...