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  1. slimm69er

    Anyone in Tennessee???

    just north of Knoxville here
  2. slimm69er

    a few pics

    thanx guys , as for the snails i have 2 turbos and 2 nass. and what you see behind the tank isnt plywood i live in a log home . i just havnt figured out what i want for a background. oh yea it is a 55 with 40 lbs of LR
  3. slimm69er

    a few pics

    stocklist : 2 pj cards 2 bad guy cards ( bangaii ) 2 maroon clowns 4 snails 1 pepermint skrimp 1 cleaner skrimp 1 scarlet leg hermit any suggestions or comments greatly appreciated
  4. slimm69er

    use millenium 3000 as a fuge ?

    guess it was a pretty dumb question since i didnt get any replys ? just tryin to stunt my algae growth a lil disregard this post plz
  5. slimm69er

    use millenium 3000 as a fuge ?

    is it possibble to pull filters from my millenium and add sand and cheato ? until i have the funds for HOB fuge
  6. slimm69er

    a few pics

    i really like it alot but i think its a lil much. have to get my schedule situated to try and reduce some of the algea growth though
  7. slimm69er

    diatoms or algea

    it is live sand yes i know the green is algea but was wandering about the brown ? ph.8.2 amm. 0 trite. 0 trate. 8 spg 1.024 temp. 79 40 lbs. LR 40 lbs. LS been going about 6 weeks
  8. slimm69er

    a few pics

    55 gal emp bio wheel and mill. 3000 1 hydor 3 and zoo med power sweep nova extreme pro 6 x 54
  9. slimm69er

    diatoms or algea

    this is my first post, but i have been doing alot of reading and learned alot from this site. my first SW tank 55 gal is this diatom or algea ?