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  1. seareef

    Toadstool Problems / HELP/ pics

    Very well could have been thats why I only use my bio filter, but look at the bright side, when the get a little bigger you can sell them/trade them and have more corals...and over time one of your frags will become as big as the first one :) Overall even if it was healthy to start out with I...
  2. seareef

    Chuck Norris counted to infinity, twice!

    Chuck Norris invented steak. Chuck Norris lost is virginity before his dad.
  3. seareef

    Feeding Newborn Seahorses...

    are they on dead food yet?...or still on live? You want to switch them over to dead food as soon as possible while they're young...or as adults you'll have to keep hatching live food...and that is a PAIN in the ass.
  4. seareef

    Fragging a Kenya Tree?????

    It appears to be. Send me a frag, and i can tell you for sure ;)
  5. seareef

    your electric bill?

    i have a high engergy flow going to my tank...lights/ etc. my whole house bill per month is like $85
  6. seareef

    how long do you keep your lights on?

    8AM - 10PM - first set of lights (PC) 10AM - 9PM - Second set of lights (PC) 11AM - 8PM - MH'S 400W each. 10PM - 1:30AM moon lights. So I do have some time where there is total darkness, but remember in the ocean because of the moon ...its rarely ever truely DEAD dark.
  7. seareef

    How long have you gone without seeing your brittle star?

    I have around 5 in my 150 gallon tank, I haven't seen them since the day I put them in. But every so often i'll see a leg sticking out of a rock....but never seen them fully out... they like to come out at night when were sleeping :)
  8. seareef

    cycle question

    I would wait atleast a month before you put a fish in, keep feeding it as though there is a small fish in the tank. as the previous person had stated. No need to rush a tank...You've waited 14 so far, whats a few more days for years of stablity. :)
  9. seareef

    Darth Tang!!

    Originally Posted by ReefRobert I have heard that they will grow to around 16 inches :scared: Thats when you have lobster dinner :)
  10. seareef

    New Ich Medicine

    O-ZONE is like a nucular weapon, you dont want it in the wrong hands....for some people its a great tool...for others its trouble in the making. I use O-ZONE on my 150 wonders... the reason i say 280's and up...because at that level you have SERIOUS people...not in the hobby...
  11. seareef

    Fragging a Kenya Tree?????

    I have frag'd several. If its as large as your stating...WOW! :) I would LOVE a frag, so do send :) I'll pay you :) Anyways ...I would find an area near the middle if your going for a straight cut in half frag. Cut straight down the middle with an EXTREMELY sharpe blade ...yes, BLADE. you want...
  12. seareef

    New Ich Medicine

    Originally Posted by ctgretzky9 First off, I have no experience with a uv sterilizer, so I cannot comment based on my own experience, but it seems that the things I have read, is that as a rule of thumb, tanks less than around 500 gallons suffer from using one, and tanks over that benefit from...
  13. seareef

    Switching to Metal Halide

    Originally Posted by NM reef I would gradually bring the MH's on-line. Basically keep the same light schedule but add the MH's for a few hours at first then icrease the time they are on weekly until you get the photo period you desire. For example if you now run your lights for 10 hours per day...
  14. seareef

    New Ich Medicine

    Completely agreed, im glad you caught that, someone might have put copper in there display, that would have been horrible. At times I forget most people in this " hobby " dont always know for sure what will do what, and with so many LFS stores that dont know could cause for a...
  15. seareef

    are they dead or just sucked in real far?

    If you dont see any tissue they are dead You can see if anything buds off of it...but unlikely. I'm sorry for your loss. ~Scott
  16. seareef

    New Ich Medicine

    Originally Posted by ctgretzky9 Never use copper to treat ich. Especially in a reef tank with inverts. Copper is deadly to marine life. Hypo should only be done by those who have a very good refractometer, and is still an iffy solution, as many fish end up dying fromt he stress of going through...
  17. seareef

    New Ich Medicine

    Originally Posted by ctgretzky9 Never use copper to treat ich. Especially in a reef tank with inverts. Copper is deadly to marine life. Hypo should only be done by those who have a very good refractometer, and is still an iffy solution, as many fish end up dying fromt he stress of going through...
  18. seareef

    Help with SPS

    Originally Posted by NYFISHERMAN I am not running a skimmer on this tank. Just a 400 emperor, I don't want to try and run a sump on a tank that small. My Calc was even higher than that. I was adding way to much of sea chem's Advantage calcium. No precipitation occured, I test with a salifert...
  19. seareef

    Help with SPS

    Do you have a calc reactor? Do you use RO/DI? What are your calc levels? ..what are they consistantly? What is your temp? What is your water flow? are there water surges(Waves)? (sps NEED it) Im noticing you mentioned you keep softies with the SPS ...this correct? SPS can be kept with softies...