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  1. seareef

    New Ich Medicine

    Some skimmers do work better than others. This is a correct statement, I personally like ASM skimmers. Each tank needs to be skimmed a lil differently...some believe one can never over skim, while others believe you can. So it depends on the tank. Myself I believe someone can over skim a tank...
  2. seareef

    New Ich Medicine

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz SeaReef, you seem to know a lot on this topic. Do you really think that a UV helps in ich control? I am not being sarcastic; I am honestly asking for your opinion on this. I have set-up customers tanks with and without UV's, and I honestly think the UV's have been...
  3. seareef

    My Fuzzy Lion became a killer today

    Its in his nature to eat other animals, I would remove him, now that he has tasted fish...quite literally he is going to want more, ...honestly im highly suprised he hasn't done this in the past.
  4. seareef

    New Ich Medicine

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz A freshwater dip is probably one of the worst ways to treat ich, in my opinion. Not only does it stress out the fish tremendously, but it is unneccessary. When you are going to have to Qt the fish anyway, why not just do a much less stressful process in HYPO? I...
  5. seareef

    are they dead or just sucked in real far?

    Originally Posted by zanoshanox Are they totally dead once you can only see skeleton? Your parameters would help. Sometimes when you see the skeleton, they're is still some tissue left. So dont give up all hope, but 9 times outta 10 its gonna die unless you really have PERFECT conditions and...
  6. seareef

    New Ich Medicine

    Originally Posted by shameless ....Ich that occurs in saltwater is SALTWATER ich NOT freshwater ich if u put a fish that has saltwater ich in fresh water the ich will EXPLODE hense the term fresh water dip also you highly edited what i said. If you read my text then your " quote " there...
  7. seareef

    New Ich Medicine

    Originally Posted by shameless ....Ich that occurs in saltwater is SALTWATER ich NOT freshwater ich if u put a fish that has saltwater ich in fresh water the ich will EXPLODE hense the term fresh water dip I understand that concept completely. But saltwater Ich is not called: ICH in the...
  8. seareef

    How do I frag this?

    Use a wood chizzel (sp) so you can take a small part of the rock off with, or get as much of the base with it. When fragging xenia if you can harm as little of it as possible the better. (Cutting works) ...but I would just use the chizzel. Again sorry for the spelling. My English isn't where i'd...
  9. seareef

    New Ich Medicine

    No offence to anyone, so please no one take any. Any " med " that states that it cures ich and is reef safe is a load of crap. Ich is an invert...more so ich is actully a freshwater parasite, not saltwater..its called cryptocarian (sp) in swf tanks.... Over all your money, put it towards...
  10. seareef

    are they dead or just sucked in real far?

    Post some pictures.
  11. seareef

    Toadstool Problems / HELP/ pics

    It looks healthy, its showing its polyps, so i wouldn't will take awhile for the polyps to come back out...if you moved it that could affect it, light,water many things...he appears to be opening up...if it persists over a 3 week period then of now its normal...
  12. seareef

    this Zoo too damaged? pic

    They look extremely healthy, just give them time, the coloration doesn't seem to be " outta wack " by any means...just give them time. If anything you can give them a iodine dip, that would remove any parasite that could be irritating it.
  13. seareef

    more pics of the 180 some new fish too!

    One of the most stunning tanks i've seen. Keep up the great work!
  14. seareef

    uv question

    I have a highly successful Reef, and so do several of my friends, we all run UV 24/7. I would suggest you do the same. :jumping:
  15. seareef

    PLEASE HELP - Fish keep dying

    Your over stocking your tank to soon, it was 8 months before I had more than 3 fish in my 150. Becareful, more so I cant believe they sold you a mandrin, they have the highest death rate out of any fish, next to sea horses and some tangs : powder..etc ...I dont suggest mandrins for any newbie...
  16. seareef

    Ok Who Wants The Frags!!!

    I'm VERY interested as well.
  17. seareef

    Hola, I'm new!

    Thanks surfer, i'll email you sometime soon, is there a local club?
  18. seareef

    kick ich killed my cleaner shrimp???

    Kick Ich, is a snake oil. AKA it does not work, no product does...they only thing that will cure ich PROVEN is hypo and copper based products. Enough said there...I dont suggest either...90% of fish can fight ich or parasites like need to A: figure out what is causing ich, poor water...
  19. seareef

    okay im done you wont belive y

    Thats a major 10 years you'll look back and laugh...but wow...I dont know what Id do. sorry for your loss, ~Chris
  20. seareef

    Purple Anthelia HELP!!

    From the photos its almost looks like Xenia....but anyways assuming it has some type of infection...if you ever see something like this happening again ...dip the coral in a bath with will help clean the coral....or case to you can actully do freshwater dips on corals as...