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  1. seareef

    Whats wrong with my mushroom toadstool

    The hair is your biggest problem take care of that first, taking some item to remove most of it will help you out...then grab a tang of sorts,...i would suggest either a yellow or a kole tang..... as for the toad...thats normal...they do that from time to means its top is getting to...
  2. seareef

    Hola, I'm new!

  3. seareef

    Hola, I'm new!

    I dont add C02 ...the fish produce stays where it should be.... I dont even check my levels for anything any longer....I've heard of some people doing it for certin plants..etc... personally I wouldn't dose anything like that...maybe ozone...but thats still a debateable topic for home...
  4. seareef

    Hola, I'm new!

    Originally Posted by alyssia Welcome! I have a 20 gallon seahorse tank also. I have kudas. What kind of horses are yours? Honestly I dont remember what kind, I believe in the wild they're Yellow. Give me some time and I can figure it out, But they're on dead food : Misits,Brine Shrimp.
  5. seareef

    Hola, I'm new!

    Been in the hobby for lil over 8 years... Once my MH's ...are on today Ill take some photos of my tank fully lit.... its a beaut! thanks for the kind comments guys! ~Chris
  6. seareef

    Hola, I'm new!

    Yay I figured it out. Anywho, The first 2 pictures are of my 20 Gal Sea horse tank. second 2 photos are of my main display Forgive the colors as my MH's are not on yet, also the second photo I tried to adobe it to change the colors so it didn't look so blue. Hope you enjoy!
  7. seareef

    Hola, I'm new!

    Originally Posted by Mr_Bill Hello, and welcome!! :jumping: Thanks Mr. Bill! Before I joined this forum, I had spent a few days reading others posts...This place seems like an amazing community of reef keepers...everyone so helpful! Thank you again for the warm welcome! Does anyone know...
  8. seareef

    Hola, I'm new!

    Originally Posted by fishamajig just a question.. . . . why arent you big into skimming? :notsure: I've found throughout the years that tanks that are more “Lagoon like " tend to do better with less skimming...because with skimming you get a lot of good. and a lot of bad. While pulling out...
  9. seareef

    should I get a protien skimmer?

    Dispite my age on the board (Term in the community) I hope you dont mind my 2 cents. In my experience I have found skimmers to be useful, and for most tanks needed. If your running a SPS tank then a skimmer is your best friend because your water has to be perfect. But if your running a tank...
  10. seareef

    Hola, I'm new!

    Hello Everyone, I'm new to the community so I figured i'd say howdy to everyone! I currently have a 20 gallon sea horse tank (My baby) and a 150 gallon reef. In the 20 gallon I have : 2 sea horses 1 lawnmower blenny 20lbs of live rock filter designed for a 55 gallon tank and basic power...