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  1. jzoerman

    New fish experience immediate problems and death in new marine tank...

    I threw out the old test kits and bought news ones, they were indeed no good at all, giving false results. The culprit is extremely high ammonia levels, not even close to being on the chart. A few days earlier (days after new tank setup) I piled a bunch of fish in the tank. Though I used the...
  2. jzoerman

    New fish experience immediate problems and death in new marine tank...

    Thanks everyone for all the feedback, I really appreciate it! BTLDreef, I will be taking your advice and will post the results.. Thanks a bunch for all the info... JZ
  3. jzoerman

    New fish experience immediate problems and death in new marine tank...

    Assuming alcohol is the main culprit, can I rinse the carbon and bio stones or should I replace them entirely? Thanks for the heads up on the old test kits..
  4. jzoerman

    New fish experience immediate problems and death in new marine tank...

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 Acclimation procedure? Biofilter? How old are the test kits? Never an acclimation procedure, I realize that would be best but past experiences yielded nothing like the results I am experiencing now. I know the bio filters have not had time to kick in and...
  5. jzoerman

    New fish experience immediate problems and death in new marine tank...

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer Did you use alcohol in that bait tank too? What's causing all the foam???? The foam just started, wasn't there until now. The constant back and forth with so many different fish? Yes, I sprayed the alcohol everywhere... The more I think about it, there is...
  6. jzoerman

    New fish experience immediate problems and death in new marine tank...

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills Something provoking severe and immediate response makes me wonder about electricity. Do you happen to have a photo of your system? What equipment are you running? And may I ask if your filtration system removes chlormines? Pics...
  7. jzoerman

    New fish experience immediate problems and death in new marine tank...

    I will take a couple pictures and upload them after my camera battery charges a bit. I do not know if the tap filter removes chloramines, nor if the tank filters do. The equipment: 1 AquaClear 50 filter and 1 Aqueon 20 filter, 1 Top Fin 3000 air pump and 1 Top Fin 1000 air pump on a 20 gal tank...
  8. jzoerman

    New fish experience immediate problems and death in new marine tank...

    I did clean the tank and parts with Isopropyl Alcohol (91%) and let everything dry before using. Temp is 77 F, definitely no shortage of oxygen. I actually wondered if the problem was too much air but discovered it couldn't be that. Test kits are “Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Inc”, pH, ammonia and...
  9. jzoerman

    New fish experience immediate problems and death in new marine tank...

    Hello All, I have setup a marine tank in my garage to keep bait-fish, primarily pinfish. I setup this tank a week or so ago and have tested the water. When adding perfectly healthy fish to the tank they begin swimming upside down within hours and die. Larger fish last a day or so (swimming...