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  1. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    ok thanks very much
  2. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    One more thing! lol I was wondering if there was any like "good" bacteria that anyone sells to promote growth in the tank bc when i got rid of the red algae i didnt have any good growth, no coralline. Anyone got any help in this department? Thnx again
  3. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    Hey guys been awhile. I have reduced the rock in my tank and got rid of the red slime! I've got a question about my powerheads. My 92g bowfront i have a 750 gph hydor and a ancient old style that my uncle gave me with the tank should i buy a second powerhead same size as the hydor or r these 2...
  4. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    Well I have 2 power heads the one is the older style and the the new 750g so I think I might buy 2 more 750g powerheads I just cleaned all my filters and got rid of a crap load of the red slime I hope it goes away
  5. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    Thank you how much water flow should I have I have a 750g power head I was contemplating on. Buying another what do you think? 92g bowftront tank btw
  6. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    why am i getting red slime?
  7. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    bad i take it?
  8. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    Hey guys this is what the algae looks like i think it looks bad haha but let me kno if its bad or not. I dont want to take out something thats good for the tank thanks again guys
  9. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    Another question I have is regarding the coralline algae or whatever like I have algae growing all over in my tank it looks like the green algae that grows that's bad but has a purplish tint to it is it good or bad?
  10. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    Lol I bet it seems like a pain but I don't want my fish to end up hurt or dead so if that's what I must do then that's what I must do thnx a lot! I may have to wait awhile tho bc I don't have any coralline yet
  11. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    Umm they've prolly been together maybe a month and a half but he is the biggest dish in the tank
  12. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    Hey guys! It's been awhile since I've posted here but my tank is starting to grow! :-) So here's another question my 2 clownfish will swim on my purplish/greenish algae on the rocks and my coral beauty angelfish every now and then will swim up and seems like he's bullying them almost like he...
  13. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    Alright Flower and we got extra heavy curtains around the house we will just change them thanks :-) and i did the water change at 10am so I'm gonna check the readings again should be good... i hope! The Clown fish r swimming around more tho ive noticed when the ammonia gets to .25 they tend to...
  14. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    Hey, sorry guys i was at a friends drinking.Flower, I have windows on both sides of the tank but this side of the house doesn't get direct sunlight and i have 2 power heads u can see them in the picture im going to be buying a third one soon and a "newer" device from hydor to plug them in and i...
  15. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    lol decrease light cycle when i havn't even been using lights. but i will do the water changes when needed and wait for it to cycle to finish before i add anything is what i meant to say Flower :-)
  16. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    Alright no new things for a few weeks atleast right?
  17. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    it just looks like green slime Xcali its just starting not n excess growth like that. So i can buy a few hermit crabs and snails now? lol my brain is running in circles
  18. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    LoL my thread on me being new and needing help has turned into a puctuation and grammer check thread :-P. Anyways no some of my base rock has green slimy looking algae growing on it. Not corline (which is purple correct?) I did not do a water change today flower b/c everything seems alright...
  19. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    thanks and alright ammonia and nitrites got it! i hope i don't get brown algae haha. Some of my rocks are already getting green algae on them is that good or bad?
  20. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    This is my tank btw guys