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  1. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    Answer your question flower is I'm planning on the soft cycle method now haha, I got so lost in all the threads u guys highjacked
  2. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    Ammonia 0 ppm (may be a little higher not exact same color but its not .25 ppm yet) Nitrite 0 ppm Nitrate 0 ppm PH 7.8 Calcium 500 ppm Phosphate 2.0 ppm Carbonate Hardness 143.2 ppm Alkalinity 2.9 (high i did the previous test incorrectly sorry) Salinity 1.021 What do ya think Flower? change or...
  3. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    Haha wow thanks for ruining my thread guys :-P j/k. I got home last night and tested and everything was great i even went and baught an alk test last night. Alkalinity ended up being 1.6-1.7 hard to tell b/c of color. Ammonia was at zero :-) woot woot! I just woke up for the day so i am going to...
  4. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    Well this is my new hobby :-) and i really enjoy it ive wanted to do it for so long. and again thank you for your advice Flower! i will keep a close eye on it and do daily water changes. How long am i looking at for a my tank to fully cycle? 2 weeks or a 2 months..? Rough estimate so to say?
  5. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    Water change is done i have my laptop with me at a friends house currently but I'm letting my tank settle a little before i test it again, thanks again FLOWER! And FIXPC thanks for explaining the cycle i understand now. ammonia is converted into nitrite and eventually into nitrate in lamence...
  6. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    So flower this may seem like a dumb question but idk the answer. What exactly is cycle? and will my tank still cycle since i already put fish in it or not? ithis all happened bc i didnt know there ws 2 diff test kits haha damn. but i have that now so... ill keep an eye on the results,and again i...
  7. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    Doing the water change now lights are done haha
  8. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    I went and baught the other test kit today it has everything except alkalinity Flower. these r the readings: PH is 8.0 Ammonia is at 0.25 ppm Nitrite is at 0.50 ppm Nitrate is again at 0 ppm I'll check for your response later and thnx again for the help flower now time to go unbox my new lights!
  9. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    And i got mine at my LFS. LFS (Saltwater) around here r expensive! my test kit was 45$
  10. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    ok will do thank you for the help
  11. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    that is all my test kit includes so im missing nitrite ammonia and ph and alkalinity in my test kit :-/ *sigh*
  12. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    Nitrate is a 0 ppm Calcium 500 ppm Carbonite hardness is at 12 dKH ppm phosphate is a 2.0 ppm Salinity 1.023
  13. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    Idt that my kit has an amonia test but i shall do the test right now and repost them in a few minutes
  14. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    thnx and yes i already have a master test kit(drops not strips) i got a bottle(s) part a and b of calcium booster as well as a bottle of chlorine and amonia remover ive tested everything and its all good everything is correct chemical wise. i think my tank is stable enough to start buyign a few...
  15. mweezy2011

    New saltwater hobbyist

    Hey guys i just started a saltwater tank I got a 92 gallon corner tank bow front w/ stand from my uncle. FREE! lol he gave me everything with it! it has a back mounted filter and a siphon on the back for the sump in the bottom. The sump has a 2500 gph pump that feeds the water to the protein...
  16. mweezy2011


    Hey guys I'm new to saltwater tanks! My uncle gave me his old tank 92g bow front corner tank with stand everything as well back mounted filter, a back siphon feeds down to the filter system underneath in the stand. Believe it is a sump so to say. Has bio balls back pump 2500 gph i believe for...