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  1. mojohoojo

    NItrate maintain at 20ppm for 20 G, Normal?

    Hi, I checked my levels for my water for 1 week continuously. Ammo, Nitrite, Phos, PH and Salinity, all mention are at 0, PH 8.0, Temp: 82 to 80f,and 1.024....maintains at that level for past 7 days. But my Nitrate are at constantly 20ppm....water change 20% it'll drop to 5ppm but 2 days later...
  2. mojohoojo

    MH vs T5

    Okay when and if i get them (MH).....does MH requires reflactors? where i come from its pretty hard and EXPENSIVE (Im taking few Gs expensive to get the fixture for tanks such as Sunpod and etc...). So the best alternative is to get from a local lighting shop, i am scared that the fixtures would...
  3. mojohoojo

    MH vs T5

    Yeah! i just google the topic and guess what?! i found a rather steamy and exiciting thread that was started in this forum . i always go to my LFS and drool when i see the MH shimmering effect gives...but at the end of...
  4. mojohoojo

    MH vs T5

    Hi all i just recently purchase a T5 Unit for my works real well for most of my LPS and anemones. question is the more i read abt MH the more i wanna get it ...but i just invested on the T5. Now the bigggest questions, which one is better?! which one would be the Number choice of most...
  5. mojohoojo

    Review my water parameters please

    Okay! tested the LFS Water and its good. i have about 20lbs of LR and 1inch of sandbed. I have 2 Ocellaris, 1 Sixline, 1 damsel, Red hermit, Cleaner, 6 Turbos, LPS, Sebae and BTA. I will bring my water to the LFS to check later on today. Thanks
  6. mojohoojo

    Review my water parameters please

    as follows here is my water parameter taken in 3 different dates, i have a 20G tank. How do i get rid of the Nitrate? currently i put Carbon and i used RO/DI water bought from the LFS. what will happen if the calcium level is too high?! Thanks guys. 24/04 (Before Water Change) PH: 7.8 NO2= 0...
  7. mojohoojo

    Dead Sixline.....Who's the suspect?

    okay about Few minutes ago i was staring at mt LR and notice sumthing funny with my just lay on its side and started darted crazily and just died like that......Who could have killed it? i just introduce a plate coral and torch.....bout few hours ago....need help! I...
  8. mojohoojo

    DIY Nano Skimmer

    Anybody have any suggestions?! i am planning to built one for my would be great if i can get a link or sample of the plan for this projecy...
  9. mojohoojo

    What do you think of this LR?!

    ok will do tat. thanks...btw i search for my turbos and found their empty shells. guess the straw was hungry hehehheh. where i come from its "really" hard to find other enthusiast only the LFS might be interested in the guy and i dont have a frag....although..this gives me a perfect reason to...
  10. mojohoojo

    What do you think of this LR?!

    Originally Posted by SpiderWoman Other than the detritus your LR looks good :) Thanks Spiderwoman....what do you reckon i should do about the hermit!?
  11. mojohoojo

    What do you think of this LR?!

    Yeah! like Morval said. i feel that the LR is full of ditritus, i'll blow it with the pump. Anyways, the strawberri hermit crab.....sigh!....why is it im so unlucky getting lots of evil hitch hickers? i just got rid of a cowrie and i found out theres glass anemone on the LR guess i'll do some...
  12. mojohoojo

    What do you think of this LR?!

    Okay..i need you guys expert opinions, should i take a toothbrush and starting cleaning up these LR? the hermit crab can anybody id!? Is my LR okay? %...... ID Please!! Thanks!!
  13. mojohoojo

    Getting rid of Glass anemone

    Ok...Boiling water, Lemon juice..and some torch..screaming sound...check will do it tonight. Phew! so little Glass anemone, so many method to choose from.... heheheh Thanks Guys!
  14. mojohoojo

    Getting rid of Glass anemone

    Hi Guys! i found 2 Glass anemones last night and i want to get rid of it...whats the best way to do this? i read something about Joe's Juice....whats that? Is there any other chemical i can find easier? T
  15. mojohoojo

    Hydor Koralia #1 in 20G...ok?

    Wooohhoo!!!! tanks mates!.....lets do some shoppings~!
  16. mojohoojo

    Hydor Koralia #1 in 20G...ok?

    Okay i think i know why i had huge nitrates spike recently. i found out that theres a "few" dead spots in the yo think this can contributed to the problem!? i can't get Hydor Nano so the best i can purchase is #1 which is HOB is already running around 250GPH but i think...
  17. mojohoojo

    Added new LR to a complete cycled tank

    Yeap it cured....thanks dude for the quick advise
  18. mojohoojo

    Added new LR to a complete cycled tank

    As for my previous thread. I upgrade and transfered the contains of 10G to a 20G. I added NEW LR to the tank will this cause a nitrate spike? is registering from 0 mg/l to 0.25 mg/l and 1.++ mg/l (in space of 2 days)...did a 50% water change and put in carbon. Should the nitrate drops...
  19. mojohoojo

    ID please....Conch or snail?

    got the sucka out my tank and its new home are at my LFS.....they got confused when i told them im returning a hitch hicker back to them . Sorry no Refugium....yet.....i dont suppose HOB would do anygood huh?
  20. mojohoojo

    20G need skimmer?!

    Ok, thanks guys!. Will take ur advise.....until i can find a suitable skimmer..