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  1. mojohoojo

    ID Please!!!!!! Feather star?

    HI got a weird hitchhiker today can anybody help ID please? it moves like a spider and frankly i touched it and my fingers still moving...
  2. mojohoojo

    Evil Ocellaris

    you mean they attack Sixlines? is this normal for clowns? i know they a bit territorial but i wouldnt imagine them attack that seriously
  3. mojohoojo

    Live sand added after cycle complete

    ok....took everything out and put the LS in.....waitied until LS settled and chuck wverything in again. Everything seems to be alright what do you think? see the picture below Sigh! too late i purchase it then i remembered i could have got dead sand instead and seed them :(
  4. mojohoojo

    Live sand added after cycle complete

    ok will do that. should i remove all the LR and stuff in it?
  5. mojohoojo

    Live sand added after cycle complete

    I was thinking to add LS i just bought "after" my tank been cycled. Tanks have been up and running for 4 months and everything is fine....currently i am using crush corals. Will it be ok if i put in the LS now?
  6. mojohoojo

    Evil Ocellaris

    Thanks for the help guys. Does this apply to mail delivered item only? or does it apply the same if i got it from my LFS about 15 minutes away from my home?
  7. mojohoojo

    Evil Ocellaris

    ARRGHHHH!!! i just killed my shrimps! i tot 10 minutes is enough, i got the info on the web on purchasing new fishes must have meant for fish only Dont know if i ever buy another shrimp again.......
  8. mojohoojo

    Evil Ocellaris

    Hi Nice try, I acclimatise it for at least 10 minutes by putting the bag into the water. As i mention above the water parameter is: Nit: 0 Nat: 0 Amm: 0 PH: 8.2 Sal: 1.024 Temp: 28Celcius could this be?!?
  9. mojohoojo

    Evil Ocellaris

    i bought 2 Cleaner shrimp yesterday. 1st shrimp went in a state of Coma after 4 hours in the tank. 2nd shrimp was hinding and seems to be doin well until this morning i found it upside down under the LR. now...the only living thing in the 10G is 2 pair of clowns, bubble tip, Sebae, Rics and some...
  10. mojohoojo

    Feather Dusters

    sorry, in size.
  11. mojohoojo

    Feather Dusters

    How long does it takes for a fether duster to grow!?
  12. mojohoojo

    looking for good light to start soft coral and maybe lps

    Originally Posted by T316 I wouldn't skimp on your lights. If you want good corals, do it right. And I don't really think location is that big of an issue. You probably keep the inside temp of your house the same as I do on the East coast, so outside temp makes no difference. If you don't want...
  13. mojohoojo

    looking for good light to start soft coral and maybe lps

    Hi T3, Wats your average temprature over there?!
  14. mojohoojo

    Help: Temperature issues

    hahahaha.....close. im in Borneo (Tropical Rainforest Region). but really...i'll post some pics after work. Maybe you guys can spot any abnormallities.
  15. mojohoojo

    Help: Temperature issues

    umm....sorry to bug but i have a 10G nano FOWLR, BT, Shrooms and Sebae. The most cool that i can get my tank is about 86F........ (i Know thats supper high) my tank been running close to 4 months and my chiller is running late to be delivered to me, Currently i am using 1 Fan blowing the water...
  16. mojohoojo

    Shrooms question

    What about temprature?
  17. mojohoojo

    Shrooms question

    Phew!.....what a relief!... thanks for the info guys...
  18. mojohoojo

    Shrooms question

    Mushroom, are they easy to take care of? what does it need to thrive in the tank? do i need speacial lighting, flow/no flow? can anybody help? thanks
  19. mojohoojo

    Temperature Range

    okay...i beeen researching in the internet and i found out that the ideal temprature is 27C ?? but there some opinions that is not so much of the Tempreture but the consistency of it....lets say its even if its 30C...... it should stay like tat, what do you think? i added 1 fan to cool the water...
  20. mojohoojo

    10G Nano....650 GPH. Super Flow???

    Just a bubble tip and sebae and 2 clownies......hhahahahah......15 times turn huh?....i guess gotta open up my wallet again.....oh well things i do for the love of Aquariums :)