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  1. mojohoojo

    10G Nano....650 GPH. Super Flow???

    Just wondering how do i know when to much is "TOO MUCH" flow?!? heheheh
  2. mojohoojo

    Another Cyno Problem

    ummm.....the tap water in is pretty good actually we use it for drinking and cooking as well. The most it may contain in Chlorines apart from that we never have any issue people dying or getting ill from it. So lets say i change to RO/DI water...will the algae keep growing?.....maybe i'll invest...
  3. mojohoojo

    Another Cyno Problem

    its been 4 months and i am using tap water. never had this problem before the thing literally spread over night. should i just let it be? how do i get rid of it....maybe u can point out a thread cant seem to find one :)
  4. mojohoojo

    Another Cyno Problem

    hi, Was wondering about this problem im having. How can Cyno grow in a super flow area?! is this possible? maybe it not cyno heres a pic of my Nano Tank readings Ammonia - Undetectable Nitrate - 0.3 mgl Nitrite - 0 PH - 8.2 to 8.5 temp 26C
  5. mojohoojo

    Temperature Range

    Hi People~! I was wondering wat range would be the best for nano FOWLR tanks? I think i am having problem with my country's are my average temp Day - between 24C to 31C Night - 18C to 26C I live in South east Asia, Borneo. do you think thats ok?!
  6. mojohoojo

    QUick Question: Night light

    Thanks X. Now i am really looking forward to hunt for a moon light. problem is the good ones (branded) are SUPER expensive and i was thinking of trying to find info on the web see if moonlight requiers specific you know?
  7. mojohoojo

    QUick Question: Night light

    ok thanks. so you are saying that i have to get some night lights for my tank at night. LEDs Ok?
  8. mojohoojo

    QUick Question: Night light

    Is this necessary? i keep my light about 10 hrs daily and switch it off at night.
  9. mojohoojo

    Nano Tank Filter?

    Hi again, Can anybody advise me what filter type do you guys use for nano tank? Water, Sump, or etc..? i cant seem to find any on the threads. thanks is advance
  10. mojohoojo

    I need advise please

    phospate how do i get that again? feeding is very careful, not to over feed. extra food will be taken out.
  11. mojohoojo

    20 Gallon on wooden floor

    Great advice...... hehehehhe wish i could im married to their daugther
  12. mojohoojo

    20 Gallon on wooden floor

    Sorry....wooden floor. Ok thanks mean u have no problem with you 65 correct? i also have hard wood floorings....just worried coz everytime my inlaws in the house....they move like freaking Godzillas......
  13. mojohoojo

    I need advise please

    Ummm..... i have: 6 Turbo Snails 1 Hermit Parameter: Ph = 8.2 SG = 1.022 ammonia,nitrite, and nitrate = non existance And not RODI unit I need to check my pump GPH...... 10G Nano tank
  14. mojohoojo

    I need advise please

    Hi All, My tank been running for the past 8 months and everything is perfect. My Sebae and clowns are doing well,BUT, i noticed that i have some problem with Cyno and Greenish algae i all over the tank. i have to scrub or clean it off every few days. I tried the lights off method, for 3 days...
  15. mojohoojo

    20 Gallon on wooden floor

    Hi all, I have this 20 Gallon lying around the house and was thinking to put it up on my Living room.....problem is it is "Wooden"....anybody got experience on this!?
  16. mojohoojo

    ID Please!!!

    Thankss matesss!!!
  17. mojohoojo

    ID Please!!!

  18. mojohoojo

    ID Please!!!

    Hi all, Just rescued this coral from a irrespondsible cousin, it was lying upside down in his abondoned Tank for 3 month!!!!! Anyhow, can anybody id this coral? it looks like a carpet anemone and its green color.
  19. mojohoojo

    any divers out there?

    I live all the way across the world, I dive almost every weekends and if you need to get away to a totally new world.....this is the ticket! Dived in GBR, Sipadan Island, Thailand, and just right out of my doorstep
  20. mojohoojo

    Questions on LRs & Frags

    Hi all, I got a question regarding LRs and frags. 1.) Now i understand that when you purchase a LR you basically would'nt know what u'll get until everything is 100% alive....LoL. is there any tell tale signs that we should look for when purchasing LR? lets saysign of Zoos and polys?? 2.) Frags...