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  1. mojohoojo

    ich Problem help

    Thanks Clownies starting to recover they appetite is back to normal and swimming about....i'll keep them for few more days in the quaratine tank until they are back to full health!
  2. mojohoojo

    ich Problem help

    Hi all, My previous post regards to my sebae. Alls well and things re looking good. Now i have a question/problem......All my water parameter are close to perfect (as mention in my previous post), now i notice that my Clowns are getting ich. Why does this happen? i never got this problem the...
  3. mojohoojo

    Is my Purple Tip White sebae anemone healthy?

    okay.........i tot condyman said no need MH? but i'll get a good T5 as you recommend. Thanks. Now im sure my Sebae is bleached......well keeping my fingers crossed :). should i let the lights on for 24hrs???????? Hey also i found out theres 2 not matured Sebae suddenly appeared today.....maybe...
  4. mojohoojo

    Anemone Behavior

  5. mojohoojo

    Is my Purple Tip White sebae anemone healthy?

    okay, my lighting is 2 x T8 power-glo 1800k/15 watts (Blue/White). My anemone is in a 10G tank until i transfer it to the 50+G tank. i have a feeling i may have to upgrade my lighting, what u think? I took a better picture please have a look. it was alot "Whiter" when i first purchase it. Now...
  6. mojohoojo

    Anemone Supplement?!? Help

    Originally Posted by NEreef no supplements should be needed if all tank specs are in order. strong light and a constant s.g. of 1.025-27 is the most imortant for an anemone. Ahhhh! thanks a bunch mate....i using hydrometer to measure this...mine keepings indicating it is at 1.020?? even after...
  7. mojohoojo

    Anemone Supplement?!? Help

    Hi Again, What should i get for supplements for my anemone?! Ca, Sr,Mg and there a specific supplement that most important for anemone?
  8. mojohoojo

    Is my Purple Tip White sebae anemone healthy?

    Originally Posted by Condyman Alright, it's important for you to have a full spectrum light fixture, with some blue (actinic) and regular light bulb. if you are going to put the anemone and any coral in your 50g tank you are going to need atleast 150w of lights. (the bulbs have the wattage...
  9. mojohoojo

    Is my Purple Tip White sebae anemone healthy?

    Originally Posted by Condyman It needs to have atleast 3 wts of light per gallon of water to survive through photosynthesis. How long have you had the anemone? they usually go thought expansion cycles the first couple of months. also I cant really see the mouth on that picture but if the...
  10. mojohoojo

    Is my Purple Tip White sebae anemone healthy?

    Originally Posted by ccampbell57 what lighting is it under? Do you have T5, VHO, or Halides? If not your amenone might be starving for photosynthisis. I would try feeding it silversides or krill and see what happens. Hi, i believe i am using a T12 - NO?? i am not so sure about this. I have to...
  11. mojohoojo

    Is my Purple Tip White sebae anemone healthy?

    Hi Thanks for the reply. im using acitinic 03 blue lighting ?? .....the yellow color possibly cause by my camera flash. does temprature causes it to shrinks and expand? im living in a tropical rainforest region of the world (South east asia). The temprature varies from 25celcius to 31celcius...
  12. mojohoojo

    Is my Purple Tip White sebae anemone healthy?

    Hi! i was wondering if my sebae is healthy? for the past 2 days it was doing fine and it was double it's size....this is the first time i actually seen it that way. The tentacles are shrunk way to much, All the water condition are at the optimum standard and i just change the water recently...