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  1. oceanviews

    Id Plllllzzzzzz

    Florida is filled with those guys....they seem to be attracted to frogs and toads the most, but they say they will also eat small fish, worms, slugs, leeches and small mammals if the snake is large enough. Good luck with them...don't let them escape in your house, those suckers are fast!!!!
  2. oceanviews

    Another Hurricane?

    I did small water changes twice during our 10 day outage because I had no filtration and I was attempting to maintain a half-way decent environment for them (keep waste/ammonia levels down and keep the temp from creeping dangerously high)...I was trying to be pro-active because I sure didn't...
  3. oceanviews

    Another Hurricane?

    You may want to pick one up if you can, they are pretty good to have around anyway. At the very least try to pick up a few battery powered airators (like people use in live wells) to help out with your livestock-they run on D batteries usually, so keep a lot of them on hand. We were out of...
  4. oceanviews

    garter snakes

    See if you can find a product near you called "Snake-Away". It is a granulated powder that has an effect on the snake's sensitive scent glands (Jacobson's organ). You spread it around the area that you want to protect and they say they will be repelled by the odor. I live in Fl and we used to...
  5. oceanviews

    Does anyone have a hedgehog?

    I had a hedgehog for 10 years (Pinhead). She was very friendly but I gave her alot of attention on a daily basis. They have a pretty specialized diet and they seem to love their treats(honey was Pinhead's favorite treat). They are good pets if you have the time for them (If you decide to get...
  6. oceanviews

    OT: Your -OTHER- friends:

    Thanks Fishman! We adopted her... her owner ("friend" of my husband's mom) dropped her off at our house for what was supposed to be a week long dogsitting favor...three months later we called the jerk and asked him what kind of heartworm medacation she was on so we could make sure she was taken...
  7. oceanviews

    OT: Your -OTHER- friends:

  8. oceanviews

    OT: Your -OTHER- friends:

  9. oceanviews

    OT: Your -OTHER- friends:

  10. oceanviews

    Foxface food?

    We have had our Foxface for almody 4 yrs now, and we feed him a blend of Herbivore and Carnivore diets and he loves them both (he also gets a little bit of Nori for a snack and he tears it up!)...make sure he gets enough vegitation and he will do great. They seem to make pretty good tankmates...
  11. oceanviews

    Lets show off those predators!

    he is about 7.5" not counting his tail ( the lyretail on him is pretty long) and he is in our 180.
  12. oceanviews

    Help with Puffer please!!

    he is about 9.5/10" not counting his tail, and he lives in a 180 with Puff, a Naso and an Emperor, I have some pics of them posted in Photography "lets show off our predators" if you want to check them out..I love my Broomtail, he is a great fish!!!
  13. oceanviews

    Lets show off those predators!

    Triggeraa- that is AWESOME! Love the pics-I have always wanted to turn my pool into a huge system, but my labs would hate me forever for taking away their swimming hole! :rolleyes:
  14. oceanviews

    Lets show off those predators!

    and our Naso Tang (yes, that is Romaine Lettuce, he only gets it occasionally as a treat because he loves it so much, Nori and a variety of herbivore diets (and the occasional chunk of shrimp that he steals from Broomtail when his mouth is full)are his main course) ;)
  15. oceanviews

    Lets show off those predators!

    His favorite roomie, the panda puffer
  16. oceanviews

    Lets show off those predators!

    Originally posted by Niger12 Oceanveiws, how big is that broomtail, great pic:D I have had him for about a year, he is about 9.5/10" (not counting his tail) he is a great fish!! He lives with a Naso tang, a panda puffer and a Emperor angel. Here is the angel.
  17. oceanviews

    Anyone Have a Blowfish??

    Tetrodotoxin exists in the skin and the organs of these guys, that is why it is imperative that you remove them from your system immediately after death so that the other inhabitants do not pick on the body and become poisoned. If left in the tank, the entire system can be poisoned by the...
  18. oceanviews

    Lets show off those predators!

    broomtail wrasse
  19. oceanviews

    189 gallon owners

    We have a 180 aggressive tank with DSB, dual built-in overflows that run into a wet/dry, titanium heater, protein skimmer and UV steralizer. Check out the DIY section of this board, I have seen some great ideas in there that can help you build your own wet/dry, use the search to help narrow it...
  20. oceanviews

    Anyone Have a Blowfish??

    and our Cortez (by far the craziest puffer I have ever seen!)