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  1. oceanviews

    Anyone Have a Blowfish??

    here's our panda
  2. oceanviews

    Anyone Have a Blowfish??

    We have a baby porky, a panda puffer and a cortez puffer (all in separate systems). I would not trust them in reef systems or around invertebrates. Be sure to give them ample hiding places (it seems that the more places they have to hide, the more time they spend out in view) and rock...
  3. oceanviews

    Help with Puffer please!!

    My panda puffer turns dark at night also, he also darkens if he becomes scared/intimidated (only happened once, he got a little freaked when I had to carry a bookcase past the tank, but he calmed down after about 2 mins.). Here is his normal shade, I will try to get a photo of him 1st thing in...
  4. oceanviews

    what kind of crab is this?

    NO WAY!! I was ticked off about my hermit, but if that monster ever laid a claw on any of my little buddies, I would have sprinkled some Old Bay on that sucker myself and served him up with a Tall Boy. :mad:
  5. oceanviews

    tusk tankmates

    What size tank do you have? Tuskfish seem to be pretty neutral in the Aggressive family. I have had a niger trigger with my H. Tusk for three+ years now and no problems. he also lives with a cuban hogfish and a foxface Lo. Everybody gets along fine. I have never kept a puffer with him, but...
  6. oceanviews

    what kind of crab is this?

    Thanks guys!! He can't do much harm in the 29 he is in now, I have sort-of grown attached to little Beelzebub, and I am thinking of setting up something small just for him......If not, i will send him on a road trip with my buddy next time he goes surfing! hey Claw - how big can he get??
  7. oceanviews

    what kind of crab is this?

    thanks!! here is another pic of him...I considered feeding him to my trigger for a moment, but I would never be able to bring myself to do it, he is kind of cool in a freakishly demonic/evil sort of way....
  8. oceanviews

    what kind of crab is this?

    He was a hitch-hiker in my 75, but now he has been exiled to my 29 for crimes against humanity... he picked up one of my small blue leg hermits, crushed it's shell like a Saltine cracker and ate the hermit and parts of the shell... his body is about the size of a quarter. He is hard to get pics...
  9. oceanviews

    Post pics of your favorite fish or invert!

    my favorite (panda)....
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    Post pics of your favorite fish or invert!

    my husband's favorite (broomtail).....
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    anyone have pics of...

    toadfish...they grow on ya..
  12. oceanviews

    Post pics of different color maroons....

    here's mine...
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    here's my gold stripe maroon....
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    So Ugly he is cute.

    here is another orange toad..
  15. oceanviews

    So Ugly he is cute.

    If we could get somebody to kiss THIS toad, would it turn into a prince???......
  16. oceanviews

    So Ugly he is cute.

    mine eats anything he can get his mouth around, and he is surprisingly is the old grump.....
  17. oceanviews

    Large Agressive

    grouchy toadfish...
  18. oceanviews

    pics of your harlequin tusks?

    Originally posted by Reefin what's the deal with the harlequin? how big do they get, how aggressive, what are good tank mates, do they need a lot of LR or more swimming space, what do they eat? Ours is about 9" ( I think the max length in captivity is about 10")and he lives with a green bird...
  19. oceanviews

    pics of your harlequin tusks?

    here is another pic.... Tusks are my favorite too...
  20. oceanviews

    pics of your harlequin tusks?

    here is my aussie tusk, He is great!! I have had him for about 2 years now and he is awesome!! He lives with a Niger Trigger and a bird wrasse in my 110 gal.