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  1. pco1988

    Corals with these fish?

    My 30gal reef tank is at about 200-250ppm nitrates (no water changes in over a year but there is over 70lbs. of rock and 50lbs. of CC.) Yes this number is in fact true, I have tested it with several brands and the that is the average level, and yes they are brand new tests. And as you can see...
  2. pco1988

    what is this?!?!?!?!

    Here is a quick example: The coding appears like this: [img][/IMG ] (space to show you what coding looks like, under normal circumstances there should be NO space in between the red letter and symbol.) Hope this has helped you out. Philip
  3. pco1988

    New fishy

    At the lfs I work at we use to have two of these monsters and couldn't sell them. One was $125 and the one that is still with us is I think $69.98. One of the usuals bought the one with two eyes but the one that is missing an eye is still here and is such a cool fish. He does nothing but beg...
  4. pco1988

    Pictures of my 30gal reef using a Nikon D70

    Originally Posted by reefiness wats the grey fish on top of the mimic in the last pic?? :notsure: That would be a Gold-Spotted Rabbitfish. Philip
  5. pco1988

    Pictures of my 30gal reef using a Nikon D70

    Originally Posted by smallfry What kind of star is that you have. I have one that looks like that from the front of the glass it was given to me so I could not get a name. Thanks I got it off of this site as a orange likia. So if this site is right than I guess it's an Orange Likia. Philip
  6. pco1988

    young peoples tanks!

    I'm 16 and here is a link to my thread of some recently taken shoots. Philip
  7. pco1988

    Pictures of my 30gal reef using a Nikon D70

    Originally Posted by Devaji108 Nice tank! what kind of fish is the yellow one? is it a tang?? It's a juv. Mimic Tang. He is going to be placed in my 120gal once he gets big enough to be with the red sea sailfin tang and red sea purple tang. Same goes with the rabbitfish. Philip
  8. pco1988

    Pictures of my 30gal reef using a Nikon D70

    Thanks, the fish is a Fridmani that I bought for Philip
  9. pco1988

    Lets See some 30 Gallons

    Here is a link to my thread of some recently taken shoots. Philip
  10. pco1988

    Pictures of my 30gal reef using a Nikon D70

    Here are some new pics, the tank has gone through extensive remodeling since the last pics, enjoy. Philip
  11. pco1988

    what is this?!?!?!?!

    If you want to put more pics than 5 and want to have them bigger than 500x500pix then get a username. Then upload your pics, and then post them in your posts by this format: It will take some getting use to but a lot easier and cheaper (for those who don't have a program to...
  12. pco1988

    ordering a monster

    you are going to need more than just you and your bro because it takes about 2 to move a 135 let alone a 300. I would suggest getting it shipped and have a group of people to help you. :thinking: Philip
  13. pco1988

    150gal Stocking List

    Thanks Mitzel, I the past using the shrimp has thrown my chemistry off quite a bit to the point of the cycle taking longer than it needs to. What do you think I should eliminate from the list the butterflies or the grouper? Philip
  14. pco1988

    ordering a monster

    There is a guy out in TN who makes custom tanks called The tanks he makes are nice and good prices. He will either let you come and pick it up, or if you are near one of the shows he goes too he will bring it close to you. 290 Gal 72 x 30 x 31 Tall $950 300 Gal. Tall 96 x 24...
  15. pco1988

    150gal Stocking List

    Just making a point, I'm asking my question and they are correcting non sense. Philip
  16. pco1988

    150gal Stocking List

    I know both of these.mad: I was asking about the fish combination. Water testing is when you only put freshwater into the tank and run it for at least 24 hours (testing the plumbing, making sure there are no leaks, see if you got everything right). I will ask this once more and Dave_15 don't...
  17. pco1988

    Blue Spotted Jawfish

    Thanks I think I'm going to try him with a small goby, anyone got any ideas? Philip
  18. pco1988

    150gal Stocking List

  19. pco1988

    150gal Stocking List

    What does everyone think about this? a couple of damsels to cycle the tank 2 Crosshatch Triggers 1 Long Nose Black Tang 1 Tusk 1 Blue Spotted Grouper 2 Threadfin Butterflies Is this good or should I not even try the butterflies, they would be about 3x the size of everyone else? The tank is...
  20. pco1988

    10 Gallon Picture Series

    Could I get some Live Rock from your lagoon? I will talk to my father about coming up there. Philip